I checked the bazaar today and all items were new. Nemedian Library still had ten days left as did others as of yesterday. Was this intentional or is it a glitch?
I noticed this as well.
Same here, now showing the newest Nordheimer set in that slot.
Yeah, my friend mentioned that he couldn’t get the Library set anymore. I tried to correct him telling him he had another week, but I was proven wrong.
Damn FC really nails it when it comes to quality!
Not only are many of the bazar items broken, now even the bazar itself is broken!
I’m torn on getting the dungeon set. I was going to wait for it to be released as a complete set with the new pieces from the next patch.
Do you have any builds that will include those pieces right now?
If not, this one would suggest waiting for the full set, with it’s spiral staircase and other nifty bits.
If you would use those pieces immediately, then, financial concerns aside, why wait?
I want to convert some of my flat space that now has stables into a keep of some sort for purges, away from the rest of my castle (and near where I think the purges would spawn). I’d like to use the dungeon pieces for the foundation of that. So I am really wanting the full set to make the build just how I’d like.
My only fear is that when next offered it will only be the additional pieces rather than these old ones, since they have been offered now. I assume they will offer the complete set though.
I have enough CC and there is always the discount for already owned pieces, so I am inclined to pick it up now.
I was too giddy to get the dungeon to remember the timer on the library.
Buuuut, the library has a significant problem with the books on the shelf and I’m wondering if it’s not going to be an easy fix so they took it down. If I’m right, this may be the same root issue that unstable chests on shelves still face.
Valid concerns.
In that case, if it is affordable and will bring instantaneous gratification, why not?
It’s not a glitch.
We are a week away from new patch and new cosmetics so they changed packs selection to sell (highly likely) items with low sales, or items with higher purchase %
There may be some truth there as FQ have goals and if they are short, then sales does some more… creative things.
But the problem was that the earlier items still had timers on them, 7 days etc. Just completely ignoring that timer is bad form from Funcom.
That said, I would prefer if bazaar had faster rotation.
They don’t care.
Bazzar is all about money.
They make the rules and they can change them whenever they feel like it.
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