Bearer Thrall Inventory

Naturally, Robarbarian. Well, I do not usually go into (many) details on this subject because this is far from being a novelty among players in general, but I understand that you are not aware of this. Well, I played CE only for ps4 and the experience was frustrating and unacceptable for a “full” game on its official release date. Daily the game “frozen” for me, among other problems (bugs and performance drop). With just under a month of constant gameplay, I decided to literally give up playing CE. I simply tired of continuing to play and having to tolerate or “adapt” to problems that were part of my daily life.

More details about my story with this game are in this link: [PS4] I give up on Conan Exiles

Technically, the game was not ready to be officially released without generating problems of different natures between the public and how Funcom knew this would generate (justified) frustration and irritation from the outset (after all, the company knows exactly what it is selling), I understand that the developer has misled consumers. Obviously, that does not stop there being more patient, tolerant or even condescending players, but that does not exclude the presence or severity of these problems. As I have said in other posts, I understand the need and importance of money, but it must be earned in a “right” way. Selling a problematic product on the market on purpose was an absurd attitude. Partial result: outside the obvious wear of the reputation and credibility of Funcom, a significant part of the players abandoned the game. Unfortunately, Funcom was not fair and honest with the consumer.

Just like you, I also recognize the potential of the game, but before thinking about the future, it is better and wiser to look at the present and claim that the game can provide a stable and satisfying experience among players (overall). What complicates the case further is knowing that there are no deadlines or formal guarantees for this.

The purpose of this message is to let you at least be aware that Funcom’s irresponsible “ambition” has directly contributed to disrupting the CE trajectory and harmed consumers on different platforms.

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