Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
I could be wrong here but afaik bearers are pack thralls, probably why the difference in damage from a fighter. I assume this cause I use them and also use pack animals like the rhino/camel/elephant and all those where nerf hard on both health and damage per se. So either you choose to travel with a thrall that can fight or one that can carry a lot. Just my understanding btw, good luck.
No need to apologize. Thanks for being the guiding force on the wiki and for the hard work and effort you put into the updates and changes on the wiki.
Yes, which was the reason we lumped archers and fighters into a chart where you could combine the two and compare. Granted, Jot, in almost all of the cases the difference is small, but it still exists.
Also, given your penchant for discovery, explore it ! Interesting dev choices, there.