Best armor/weapons/stats for PVP

Hey everyone!
Im thinking about the bis items and stats for this horse PVP, if anyone could suggest me a good build i would be happy.

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

hola por tu post , entiendo que hablas del caballo . es bueno que te concentres en la fuerza, vitalidad y agilidad del caballo. la armadura sin duda la de maniobrabilidad ,esta hará que tengas mejores movimiento a la hora de la batalla .

pd : montar con armadura pesada o media

saludos .

yeah currently im running heavy armor with +5strength and +4 vit.
Im thinking if i miss any good weapons or best in slot stuff for pvp.
also should i go with rhino or horse pvp?

Honestly, from what I’ve seen, having a pet that can gap close is essential. Don’t forget to make use of things like armor upgrades and weapon kits too. This is probably the first game in a long time that made me feel like consumables and small upgrades weren’t just an afterthought. Other than that, for builds, the people above me definitely have the right idea.

1h sword over axe?

Thank you for the awesome help :smiley:
im thinking about running venom-infused pike with yogs touch and a shield.
I got a greater sabertooth this morning so i’ll level that up today.
For armor im running a mix of yamatai with champion’s armor for a mix of Vit and Str stats.
I have 40Str with 40 Vit.the rest went to grit and encumbrance.

how can i do this animation cancel everyone talking about?

Oh wow thank you very much :slight_smile: i see what i need to practice now.
What do you think about my armor setup?

what do you think is the best kit on heavy armor? it that bonus armor worth it?

what about 1h sword vs axe+trowing axe cripple tornado combo?

Not an expert at pvp at Conan exiles (no thanks to lag).

However, through my limited experience at CE, my humble opinion is Vitality is king 40-50 then Strength 40-50 (30 for pve) and grit 20-30, encumbrance 20, agility 10 or 20. Heavy and Medium armors seem to beat Light armor for pvp even for pve at tough fights.

It seems to be Bows are side weapon…I wish archery perks had got bleeding (melee was meant to be side weapon in realistic scenario), Pikes are main weapon at game-Reach+Cripple-bleed is OP. Two handed sword seems to be more effectie then other weapons at aoe combat against multiple enemies (2h axe is slower at animation and seems less accurate, Maul is very slow although has sunder bonus). Shield block seems to suck against multiple enemies and blocking stamina refreshment.

I would like to hear experienced pvpers opinion aswell.

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