Best place to farm Stone?

May seem a bit of a crazy question given stone is pretty much everywhere, but when you are at the point you are strip mining locations for bricks you can get some real slow down when the concentrations just aren’t high, was wondering if anyone has some mega spots with high concentrations of stone they would be willing to share :slight_smile:

Check out Godsclaw Passage in the Highlands, close to where the Bridge to the Black Keep is located.

There is a fair amount of stone and iron, which yields stone too.

Another spot I frequent, also in the Highlands, would be below Lian’s Watch, near the Dam.

Those are my tips, I do not know if this is enough stone for your needs :stuck_out_tongue:

I farm the Volcano for stone and wood. Takes me about 30 mins to max out my inventory at 19,800 maybe less time then that. Never actually timed it. But we have maprooms at the obelisk and terrace of the tenders so i just do a circle tour from the obelisk to the maproom.

Tower of bats and surrounds is a great place to multitask. Almost all you need for t3 brick.
I respect for encumberance and get about 14000 stone, 10000 ironstone, 2000 - 3000 wood and lots of twine.
The only downside is no real source of tar.
But if you go down to sinners refuge for brimstone, there is plenty of hyena fur for tanning.

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