BETA question - Freya Companion Quest

I am at the stage where she says to meet her in the volcano, at the forge powered by lava… which sounds like the Obsidian Forge in the caldera… however I go there and clear things, and she isnt there… and she wont follow me there. Is this a bug, or am I looking for her in the wrong spot in the volcano?

When I did it she was at the top of the stairs on the right side. Just behind the 2 lizardmen that guard that area.

Thank you, I will go check that!

Could I trouble you for a SS of the area? I am there now, and I dont see her anywhere. I killed the 2 lizard men, but no Freya :frowning:

(I even put on my night vision mask to make sure I didnt miss her in a shadow somewhere)

Im am stuck at the first step, she won’t come to my base ^^

have you tryed to go up to her home and their is around 8 hours waiting time on each quest you complete for what i have seing

Eight hours in singleplayer…Even with slomo at 100 just takes too much time, hurts.

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You pretty much always have to go back to her hovel and speak to her. Also, there is a part where she asks for a campfire, she ignored the campfires I made, but randomly accepted the bonfire at her shack. I wasted HOURS trying to figure that out, hope it helps you save time!

Screenshot attached, you can see her on the right side of the staircase beside the column.

You may be having the same issue I did though. After the Campfire step, if you use the campfire at the Hovel (I think you have to currently, that step is bugged) then a duplicate Freya will spawn when you arrive. She will give you the dialogue for the next step, but there is meant to be a timegate there, so even though she tells you to go there, that step is not actually active.

You can check this in admin mode by entering QuestInfo WarriorCompanion. If the output includes the current active task as “Day4” then you are indeed at the time gate. You can either wait 8 hours (real time), or skip it using this command:
QuestRealtimeSkip WarriorCompanion:Day4

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bless you! I went back and talked to her again, and now she is at the volcano. The bug was, talking to her after she used her own bonfire. Thank you so much!!

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I fell victim to the same one :joy: Glad it could help!

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