BETA - Step 6 of Freya's Companion quest is all sorts of bugged

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Public Test Server
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Step 6 of Freya’s Companion quest is all sorts of bugged.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. While performing Step 6 of Freya’s quest, I went to the Volcanic Forge in the the Well of Skelos as instructed, interacted with her at the stairs and selected “Let’s do it”, she started following me down to fight the NPCs surrounding the forge.
  2. While fighting the humans and 1-skull snakeman, she became injured enough to stop fighting, a message stated to help Freya up - as if it was asking me to use the functionality of DBNO? If I interacted with her, she would only ask if I was ready with a dialogue option of “goodbye”.
  3. I went back to the instance of Freya standing at the stairs (because there’s a double) and if I interacted with her she asked if I was ready and the only option was “goodbye”.
  4. I finished killing the NPCs and attempted again to “help her”, the one instance of her at the Forge and the one at the stairs, both asked if I was ready with the only dialogue option being “goodbye”.
  5. I stood around for 5 minutes eating ice going about some personal business and eventually the second instance of Freya at the forge disappeared with a message that she had died while following me.
  6. I went back to the Freya at the stairs and interacted with her, I was asked again if I was ready and the dialogue option of “Let’s do it” was there. She followed me back to the forge and went to dip the blade and her hand in as she’d stated earlier she would do.
  7. The demon waves came and she once again was injured so much that she needed help, this time while I was fighting the 5th demon, I attempted to interact with her and it progressed to the next step in dialogue option of “You killed them all”. She stated she needed to rest and would come back to see me later.
  8. I killed the 5th and noticed she stayed with me, not disappearing like she usually does in prior steps of the quest.
  9. If I attempted to interact with her, nothing would happen, but she would auto face me.
  10. I double checked some videos on this step, it is supposed to end and another 8hr interval starts with you having to visit her at her Hovel.
  11. I waiting to see if something would happen then had enough, I exited the Well of Skelos, teleported via maproom and noticed she was at the obelisk upon loading.
  12. If I attempted to interact with her, nothing would happen but she would auto face me, I could walk through her as well.
  13. I waited around awhile and nothing happened, so I travelled to my base
  14. About 5 minutes later I received a message that she had died while following me

I will update or report tomorrow once the time gate is finished.

I do not have a video of this and I am not making one, this was a real test of my patience.

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Well here she is next morning and I can progress to Step 7 at least.

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