BETA - Sprinting through a portal or entry and exiting the other side will render character in a permanent sprint

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Public Test Server
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Sprinting through a portal or entry that requires loading then exiting the other side will render character in a permanent sprint.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Sprint through an entry or exit point that require loading, even those that require interaction, ex.,: entering or exiting the volcano or the Black Keep
  2. Once loaded and on other side your character will be in a permanent sprint with stamina depletion
  3. Stopping or rolling will not halt the permanent sprint
  4. Allowing stamina to completely deplete, equipping weapon or tool will cancel permanent sprint

This happens every single time.

Not a particularly annoying bug. On one hand it stands to reason that if I was running I’d want to continue, however, most of the time if I am running out of the volcano it’s because I’m extremely hot and trying to not die, so I stop once out for a moment to regain bearings or something else. Then if I continue I’m in the sprint… It has happened where the other bug that does not allow stamina regeneration has occurred in the past with this one. If that other bug happens in unison with this one, I’ll update.

Either way, if you stop sprinting, you should not be continuing to sprint by simply moving.

I don’t have a video.That is beyond my capabilities at this time.

This issue was pre-existing.

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