Better Buillding Placement and Sorting

Some of these things are covered in mods, but you can’t use those on live servers so I’d really like it if a few things could be changed about placement.

-Arrows on all building blocks so it’s easier to tell which way they’re facing. This is especially obnoxious when it comes to wedges which depending on the way they face affect the way pillars stand, which for someone as OCD as me can be quite annoying.

-The ability to put walls on foundations, and pillars on corners or sides of foundations/ceilings. Foundation pieces always have gaps between them, and walls extend out from them. You can use fence foundations to somewhat similar effect, but the new Arena set completely lacks those, which is a bit frustrating(Arena seems like it’s incomplete actually, despite a bunch of items I like, but that’s another thread), and aesthetically it looks better if the walls look nice and flush. You can place foundations after walls are already placed, so why not the other way around too? Pillars are self explanatory. I think we should have the ability to have pillars snap either to corners or one particular side. you could simply cycle through them. You can have a limitation that it only works if it’s adjacent to another foundation/ceiling tile.

-The ability to snap placeables to align with foundation. I mostly want this for things like the wheel of pain, but there are other items that this could apply to. Suppose I make a square foundation platform that’s 7x7 blocks, and I want to place a greater wheel of pain to align dead center on the platform. for some reason, it won’t even let me place it, but it will let me place it off to the side in weird areas that don’t make much sense, and it acts as though it either is making no ground contact or overlapping. This really shouldn’t be an issue. A foundation should act as a flat surface for things to go on top of, and there should also be the ability to snap it in alignment like foundations, walls, pillars, etc. It would especially help when it comes to things like optimizing usage of space when designing bases.

-Finally, can we get some categorization when looking for recipes? Currently you either have to scroll through the list of all your recipes, or start typing in the thing you’re looking for. Could we get a filter tab that hides everything except what you’re looking for? Possibly a drop-down box to make it filter for material category as well.

These are just a few things I think would help improve the building in the game without adding new items. Obviously I could think of a million of things I want in the game, but I figured I’d limit the suggestions to stuff that require no new animations or designs.

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I realize that your intention is to make a suggestion for the base game. As such, here are my thoughts and/or mod alternatives.

  • Arrows on Foundations. Walls on Foundations. Possible now with a mod - LBPR. Wall overlapping Foundations, existing code supports and could be added in. But isn’t for unknown reasons, balance, performance, etc? No idea, I can only speculate (and yes, I’m aware there are methods to do it anyways). Either way, Funcom could have had added this in a long time ago, but maybe are choosing not to for internal reasons. As for Arrows on buildings, more code would be necessary.

  • Pillars on Corners: Possible now with Arena Pier and Glass Constructions and More. I haven’t messed with the concept (yet), but I don’t see a perfect solution to editing the current Pillars to support this idea. You would have to add more sockets to the Pillars, or Foundations/ceilings. Could that have unintended consequences? Maybe, possibly, even likely.

  • Placeable Snapping - Various mods offer this in some sort of fashion as alternative pieces or their own unique placeables. No viable way to do so in Vanilla without a whole lot more code.

  1. You would need to add code so that it supported placing placeables via both snapping and non snapping. Game code currently doesn’t support this at all (I’m not talking Pillars, those are buildings. I’m talking about Placeabes, totally different). The only solution offered right now is via a blueprint node that would result in a floating placeable if the thing that it is attached to is destroyed.

  2. You would need to add code so that players can turn on and off the snapping options at any time. And only for placeables so it cannot be abused. And you would have to limit it to a few placeables at most. In LBPR - Additional Improvements I am adding more snappable placeables as alternatives to the normal ones. However the system could be abused to clip the placeable through things it shouldn’t be possible to do. I don’t care because LBPR is intended to let players do that anyways. Not a good idea for vanilla.

  • Wheel of Pain Snapping - Would have to play around with this one, but I have a feeling what would happen is the system would let you snap it to just 1 foundation. A bunch of code would have to be added for this criteria if that was the case.

  • Categorization gets mentioned a lot. It was discussed during the last live stream.

i struggle with this too lol

And i agree with everything else you mentioned. This is soo needed!

YES! I have it so many times with placeables that when i have it lined up just in the center, its restricted for some reason. Fireplaces is one that i run into problems with all the time but there are others. Its like Funcom doesnt want our bases to be perfect lol!


Just wanted to know , I thought building over obelisk spawn points was a server ban offence, we have toxic alphas building bases over spawn points , so when you spawn you spawn in their base and they sit and wait to kill you. Even put thralls around obelisk. Makes you want to leave the game no point playing then

Why leaving the game because of toxic players in the server you play while there’s lots of other servers where you can find non-toxic players ?

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