I get that some people like the build hammer and others hate it.
As it is right now, I hate it for ONE reason and one reason only. When equipped you go into fighting stance which looses ALL of the fine motor control of neutral stance for placing objects. Strafing left or right or stepping forward or back in fighting stance versus neutral stance sends you 3-5 times as far (this is incredibly annoying when trying to stack chests or place details in specific areas). It used to be a series of quick strafe taps could center the cursor, now this is impossible as a quick tap moves you just as far as a regular tap of the controls. This has made building, one of the biggest reasons I bought the game, aggravating to no end.
If the devs cannot have the build hammer equipped and stay in the neutral stance to maintain the control of build placement, then get rid of the hammer entirely and have the build menu bound to an unused key. There was no need for a build hammer before, why is there a need for one now, especially when it’s making builds incredibly more difficult on the detailed end than they already were.
Same issue. Too much lateral movement in that stance. And another issue comes up because you’ll need to be on a wall to stack chests higher than two.
I don’t actually see how this new method is any better than before. You could type the keyword of the build set/station you wanted and sift through those pieces just like you do now. The only perk I’m seeing is now you can just build exactly how many pieces you need a lot easier at the cost of placement control and ease of switching between 2-8 different build pieces that were in the hot bar (now you have to go into the menu and find the piece you want every time you want to switch-this is tedious when building circular towers, even more so if you don’t build with foundations but use the pillar method instead).
Fly mode works still… but you need admin access for that so I guess I won’t be playing multiplayer anymore.
One other criticism of the new system… make the items being placed solid instead of invisible (like they were before). You can’t see where the bottom edge is lining up when invisible.
Are you on PC?
You can just stand still and place things with the mouse… Yes, I was used to moving my character too, since that’s how it used to be best a long time ago in early access…
However the mouse actually has way smoother control… you just need to stay still and position with the mouse
(with that being said I agree that a non-combat stance could’ve been used for the hammer specifically, not only does it function weird but it looks odd too)