Blunt arrows and Perk oddities

I was recently trying to use blunted arrows and was frankly just confused at what was happening. So I dug around in the dev kit and figured out a few things. So this post is a bit of documentation and sharing a few odd things I found.

  1. Blunt arrows do 55 concussive damage regardless of what attack you use or where the shot hits. A light attack in the legs does the same concussive damage as a charged shot to the head. This is both odd and unintuitive. There are values for each kind of attack and code to handle location based shots, it’s just not being used.

  2. The first Strength perk applies x2 concussion damage to ALL sources of concussion damage. Despite the text calling out only the Truncheon exclusively, this is a global value. This is a text bug in my mind. It’s unnecessarily confusing to your players and would be easily rectified by two minutes spent updating the description.

  3. The best way to get thralls is to get the first Strength perk, then shoot light shots at the legs. You want to avoid anything that would increase health damage like shooting for the head or charging arrows.

Funcom. I’m sure this is super low priority for you guys and I get that. But the player made arrows to KO a thrall. You know what his intent is. I shouldn’t have to use the bow in a weird way to avoid killing the thrall. It’s quirky and for no reason. I’m punished for investing into a play style and using a tool that was made for that play style.

Any chance you can update the base bow BP to modify it’s bow damage when a blunt arrow is equipped? Just set it to 1 like the arrow? I haven’t looked at that BP yet, but I’m fairly certain you have some event when ammunition is equipped. While you are at it, the concussion damage should really operate like normal damage. It makes all the sense in the world that a charged blunt shot to the head is going to do a ton more concussion than a light shot anywhere else.

If you can:

  1. Adjust the bow damage to something tiny on arrow equip
  2. Rebalance the concussion numbers so they operate like health damage calculations
  3. Add a check for location hit in the base combat BP
  4. Fix the text description on the first Strength perk

That would make this so much better. I could actually do this all myself in a mod but frankly I don’t want to touch the base combat BP and I don’t want to spend the time figuring out decent concussion balance numbers. I’m sure you guys have internal target values that would make it easier.

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