Okay, I found these grenades while looting the Emissary of Haon-Dor.
I saw a youtube video like 2 years ago ( Here, at 4:48 ), and this was in there, with many other, non-used orbs.
Is it normal that this is dropped, or maybe a mod-related thing? Iām asking, because I am too lazy to disable the mods, and test it . However, I only use Javelins improved mod, that adds new weapons to the game, but it is definately not that.
They are functioning, cause bleed, description says they are legendary, but no other info. Wiki page says it is not implemented, but also says, the Emissary drops it.
Or is it just like an other half-finished, semi-implemented element of the game?
The Not Implemented notice is manually added/removed, as it is extremely difficult to tell by datamining alone if an item is fully implemented or not.
The loot lists are not manual, but generated. Generated content is datamined and almost always more accurate than manually-added content.
I am not sure if this loot is intentional or not, but it is indeed a real loot drop, and, as far as I can tell, currently the only way to acquire them in the game.
I removed the notice on its wiki page and added that it can drop from the Emissary of Haon-Dor.
Although being a legendary, causing 1 stack of bleed per orb, it is worse than a regular gas/demon fire orb. I hope if it will be in the game, it will be buffed to be a true legendary.