Venom infused daggers recipe gone?

Hello fellow exiles,

I must have put in at least 30 fragments of power to the library in unnamed city and still not got the venom infused daggers. Has it been removed now?

Thank you

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For what it’s worth - I just ran a test (on PC, singleplayer) with a bunch of spawned in fragments - it took 32 before Venom Infused Daggers showed up, and there were a bunch of others I still hadn’t seen by then (but half a dozen each of Glasser and Table-leg - so yay??). So I’d say it looks like they’re still there (or at least not deliberately removed), although that doesn’t guarantee that there isn’t a bug on Xbox. But it seems like it’s just the brutal RNG of the equation…

(If I have the time over the weekend, I may run a larger scale experiment - this has got me interested because it seemed like the good recipes were much less likely to come up than the ‘eh whatever’ recipes, which has me wondering if the RNG is weighted to make the bad recipes more frequent…)

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Thank you that is useful. The duplicates are annoying for sure lol, in one case I put 5 fragments in and got two duplicates in a row at that exact visit.

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Your gonna hate me but they were my first recipe drop at the library a few hours ago on a new server, so just rng as usual

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It took me around forty fragments for me before I unlocked it. It was 10 meme weapons several of which were duplicates before I got a single actually exciting weapon, which was the venom infused sword. Then I kept getting meme weapons and two more venom infused swords before getting anything else worth while, besides fast elevators and I do like the placeables

Then again tonight I got my second Maelstrom Hammer and then a bit later found 5 meteors in less than ten minutes, so sometimes fate is on my side

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The odds of getting any one recipe from the Library is 1/30, so putting 30 fragments in would only give you even odds to get the recipe you want.

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For anyone interested - I just ran 1,000 fragments through the library - quite thoroughly proving @Tephra right :wink:
If you want the actual numbers:


I have put in another 20 or more fragments since I made this thread and still no daggers. Got 28 items unlocked so far. Have given up now had enough decorative egg and kiln duplicates to last me a lifetime lol

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