After you die in the game and respawn (I respawn on fiber bedroll) your breast physics are very enhanced and realistic, and I would say that they are perfect. But The Problem is that Whenever you interact (sprinting, diving, equipping/ unequipping armor or weapons or emoting) with anything your breasts become stiffer and stay like this until you die again. can a DEV PLEASE look into this it would mean so much to me to see the physics staying PERFECT throughout my playtime.
Physics bug has been around for years on all platforms. You can temporarily fix it by using the Remove Bracelet option or by quitting the game to your Home Screen, then relaunching Conan.
When you say fix “it” are you talking about how I can temporarily get rid of the realistic physics, or how I can temporarily get rid of the stiff physics
Depends! .
If you play naturist, a female character, yet you are male, it’s very easy to notice . @Jadens_Jacked is correct, this “bug” exists some time now. It’s easy to notice because on your first log in, the animation - physics, you name it, is touching the perfection. As the game goes after some minutes or interaction like the op says, it becomes a “cartoon” again.
I never really understand however if the bug is the “reality” or the “cartoon”.
Yet you could easily say that they are too heavy for the game to handle .
Reset her height to default. Boob jiggle should break less often then. I’d also recommend what @Kikigirl said - remove your contact details from the thread.
Certain armors won’t break the bounce although most will. You have to mix & match some gauntlets or footwear beak it, others don’t. Same goes for head, chest and waist gear. Khari overseer works. Of course, after equipping you have to kill yourself to get the jiggle going. You would think they could figure it out by now. Conan and the Age of the Work Around.
Also not even just the armors, if you are fully naked and let’s say you equip a sword it goes away, or do a dive roll, it goes away, I really need to see them fix this as the physics are nerfed for your real playtime.
You have to wear at least some pieces of armor that don’t break the jiggle. Such as slaver loin cloth and Kari gauntlets with Overseer footwear. If you’re just running around in your undies, it’s going to break by running, climbing etc.
PlayStation sadly never received the optimisation upgrade that Series X/S did. I don’t know why (it should have received it imho). Most of the bug reports I’ve seen are concentrated in either PlayStation or old generation Xbox One. Not saying you should favour one console over another or play pc. Use whatever system you enjoy.