Bring back the Siege Elder thing

I play on Official server and the Siege Elder thing has been removed, I feel like I miss a lot of the game content because it is completely shut down on official servers.
It was a good source to farm dragon bones and Grater ??? .

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You can still find the dragon in the maelstrom.

Also, 2.4 patch is bringing a mechanism to get these again. In the meantime you can find lots of ??? In boxes.

If you build a base in the maelstrom, and it gets purged, you have a chance of getting purged by Elder monsters and get a -tonne- of Greater ???.

You can trigger a purge now with a convergence trap and 200 normal ??? as well. A few nights ago we triggered 3 purges using the convergence traps. 2 of them were weak, but 1 of of the purges was a pack of Lloigors. It was one of the craziest PvE battles I’ve fought. There were 6 (I think 6?, but I’m not totally sure) waves of 3 skull Lloigors, each wave with 6-8 Lloigors in it. It was an intense battle, and by the end of it, we had collected over 120 Greater ???, and tonnes of dragon bones and dragon horns.

So if you want to fight elder things in large quantity: Build a maelstrom base, add a convergence trap, and invoke a convergence using 200 normal ???. Just be sure to have a bunch of thralls and hopefully some friends to help, as when you get a purge of Elder maelstrom monsters, you are in for a hell of a fight.


thx, I will give it a try

Depends from server to server. It depends if players on a server go surging or not. 2.4 will bring something back for the Boss Fights lovers.

But yes, i miss the maelstrom Sieges aswell. Adrenaline Junker here.

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Haha! I feel ya. I bet you miss the original maelstrom too!! That was intense the first time I experienced that when Siptah came out.

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Yes, i miss getting 300+ unstable essences/maelstrom. What a Chaos!! But also ■■■■■■■■ fun!!

I got a couple bases erased by the storm bosses back when people could have kited them all over the map :)))

Imo they should have stopped with changing the maelstrom mechanic when they implemented the fix for the kiting. For me thats when the Real farm for siege bosses began…First with 2 tier 3 thralls(4-5 greater), then 2 Tier 4 thralls(8-10 greater), then 8, then 10. My Clan stopped at 10 thralls for maelstrom because getting more then 20 greater Was what we need it. Were people on server getting x3 the amount, they were connecting 2-3 bases together so more spawns. Good times, good fun.

To bad Funcom is pushing me to Private Servers in order to play with that mechanic.

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Going to bump this once :stuck_out_tongue:

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