Game mode: [Single-player)] Type of issue: [Bug] Server type: [PvE] Region: [North America]
[Out gathering babies to make pets; tried picking up baby crocodile. Doesn’t disappear when put into inventory. He’s still running around on the ground even though my inventory got him. Repeated three times yesterday. Repeated twice today.]
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Find a baby crocodile.
Try to pick him up.
Check inventory to make sure you actually got him (not that you missed picking him up).
Same for shalebacks and others babies. You pick it up, have it in inventory, but it’s still walking, or better said, you see it walking, because you can’t pick it up again.
By moment they vanish after some seconds, some don’t. It’s more a visual bug, but very distracting.
Pick up baby. If baby doesn’t disappear, kill baby and eat it’s flesh. Thanks to this Funcom bug, I now have a great source of exquisite flesh. Funcom, you turned me into a baby eating monster!