Nope, as the above example illustrates You still carried on criticizing, so obviously there was no immunity spell cast by my post
You’re still wrong, but no, Funcom doesn’t process bugs the “perfect and right way”… in fact… no larger company in this century does… shocker… only the very tiny family businesses are the ones who might manage their customer support in an actual customer-centric way
(everyone else is pretty much trying to make it as hard as possible to reach the actual people responsible for change… contact forms that loop back to “smart” FAQ websites… without an actual means of contacting real people… outsourced customer support quite often who appear to be paid based on how many people they manage to keep away from the actual company… etc. etc… when’s the last time you managed to reach Steam support btw? Considering some of the other prime examples… Funcom is actually average and doing “fine”-ish in that department)
They are most definitely useless… in fact… very often even full bug reports are useless without a reliable reproduction method…
If it’s a known issue thou, then listing known issues for them on the forums is equally useless… if you can throw in a “one-liner” and actually can expect them to know what that is about, then it’s almost certain that it has already been reported… it was logged and they’re aware…
And no… that does not mean they will actually fix it in this decade… They make their little priority lists and some bugs simply don’t make the list as they’re not important enough in the context that they’re evaluating them in.
Tell that to all the people reporting them while using mods Something that is common sense for one person, might not be common sense for others.
As you can see it has been reported and logged… like I said above… (there are at least 10+ other full reports all of which have been flagged as “report received” so yes, it’s definitely logged)
So in that context… what did your bug report add to that? Was there any new information?
No, that could not… obviously… however if someone would report that from a modded server then there’s obviously a chance that some mod is disabling the mechanic…
Keep in mind that the text “Variable” on weapons is mere text… so it could be a simple description inconsistency, not necessarily a mechanic bug… but it does appear to be on most unique weapons maybe you should report that in its separate bug report since there don’t seem to be any reports on it.
Like I said above… typing up a shopping list of already known issues, and then making a rant post when that gets locked isn’t exactly “taking the time to report” But if that’s your definition of it… sure…
Not the case reports get logged when reported properly and they’re actual bugs… sometimes… they even get fixed.
But just because an already known issue didn’t get fixed, doesn’t mean they’re somehow unaware of it… most of them are simply prioritized so low that they never get around to them…
This part I agree with… not because of the existence of a “template” or the fact that they locked your shopping list…
but rather because the template should be better… maybe a bug report in a form-style instead of something the users then need to copy-paste in a new thread…
Way too many times they end up with a bug report that says the following and nothing more:
This should be a red flag. Plus, people would probably be happier to fill out forms if it was an actual form that they can fill information into directly.