So Funcom is able to acknowledge and fix the ‘in game report tool’
(more info here), but still can’t even acknowledge that the ‘Bug Report system’ here in the forums does not work as claimed, despite it having been reported multiple times and having been broken for a matter of years.
@Community Why do you imagine there are so many failed attempts (especially by newcomers) trying to report bugs? Why do you just keep closing their failed attempts and telling them to ‘Use the Bug Reprt Template’? Given that the reason their reports fail is precisely because they tried using your ‘Bug Report Template’ and it doesn’t work properly - as has been reported to you over and over again. Do you think ignoring bug reports and pretending they did not happen, simply because your system is a failure (that only experienced users, familiar with the workarounds, can actually make function) is a good way to maintain player numbers? Or is it possible that you don’t give a damn about the playerbase and are only interested in what money you can get before driving them away?
I’m not sure how else it can possibly be explained dude.
This is something I can actually speak on from experience: it isn’t a big deal to change. Fix? Whatever, I could do that too. But change? Real simple to make it clearer.
Yup. It seems all it really needs is competently written instructions, but they refuse to put in even that minimum level of effort. (Sure, a system that actually functions as intended would be better, but at least if the instructions showed newcomers properly how to work round the system’s failures, then that would represent some improvement.)
But then, the community team keeps proving that they don’t want to have anything to do with the community and would rather ignore pretty much every issue that comes up, so a bug report system that prevents most bugs from being reported seems like exactly what they want.