Bug trophé PS4/5 : la tour de l'elephant

Hello everyone,

There are two of us and we are trying to achieve the following trophy: The Elephant Tower. We tried several ways and we tried on PVE, PVP, and Private Game servers. If anyone has any ideas on how to make it this is our last trophy to achieve to platinum the game :frowning:

Thank you for your answers

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Welcome to the Forum @Kefran01
It now takes 2 people to jump on the third. With a certain amount of being over encumbered. We did it years ago by accident. If you Google it you can get more information might lead you back here to a post with instructions. Let me know how it turns out. Good luck Exile.

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Hello and welcome among us.
If I’m not talking nonsense, it seems to me that following the use of exploits on the pvp mod, the developers changed the mechanics.
people better informed than me will be able to correct me, it seems to me that it now takes two players on the head of the player on the ground (before a single player jumped on the head of the player on the ground) to succeed in killing the one who is on the ground .
Hoping to have been able to help you, I wish you good luck and good luck on Conan Exiles.

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