Current Tower of the Elephant rules: Have they changed?

Hi guys,

I’m trying to platinum this thing and, as is often the case around here, I’m missing the Tower of the Elephant trophy. I’ve read a lot of threads regarding this issue but several suggest that there have been changes in the past months, and there are some contradictions.

Here are my outstanding questions:

  1. Some threads suggest that the victim must be another player, while others suggest that NPCs or even thralls will suffice. This was allegedly one of the recent changes to the trophy. Can anybody confirm?
  2. I’m on a PvE server, so generally I can’t harm other players. Some of the threads I’ve read suggest that the head-standing thing is an exception to this. Can anybody confirm? Also, does it matter if the other player is, for example, a member of my clan?
  3. Do we have any idea what the actual weight requirement is for this?

I had a theory that being at about 500% at 30 encumbrance should do the trick. I have some NPCs that spawn directly beyond a high plateau near my base, so I tried bringing a bearer with a ton of rocks to it, then taking his stuff and falling on one of the NPCs, and it didn’t work. But that could be for any number of reasons!

I would be… Very annoyed if I have to start a co-op game and level it up just to get myself to this trophy, but I guess I will if I have to. If not, and if it really does need to be another player, I’d love for somebody to join me and help me out!

So when I did it.

I did it in a Coop game having a friend join me.

Used the admin panel to spawn in enough foundations to make us heavily over encumbered. Don’t remember how many. We then took turns jumping on each others heads. It took about 2 minutes to get it done. Sometimes there is a setting that gets in the way. Can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head but I know @speedice will know which one it is.

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On the Admin panel, you will need to drop your health as low as it will go.

20000 foundations should do the trick.

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