Bugs I have encountered

Game mode: Online
Problem: Bug-s
Region: America

  1. Invisible players and NPC’s.
  2. Rolling away from enemies only to rubber band back where you tried to roll from often resulting in death.
  3. Drawing a weapon but instead there is nothing in hand and I am unable to attack.
  4. Body is invisible to me but not other players after death making retrieval frustratingly difficult (though not impossible.)
  5. Sometimes after a game crash my body will have been deleted(?) I respawn in the desert with no cause of death. When I return to the place I was before dying my body is not there with no grave marker on the map. This is by far one of the most frustrating.
  6. In some areas of the map when I place a structure it simply disappears. The item leaves my inventory as if I have successfully placed it… but it’s not there so surely I have not.
  7. When I tell a thrall to follow me they will disappear either to turn up dead somewhere random, or to never be seen again. This seems to happen especially when I try to get them up and down stairs.
  8. Sometimes NPC’s will sink into the ground. This is most annoying when it is a boss.
  9. When dragging an unconcious thrall if you change from bindings to a torch or other offhand item, or your binding breaks… the thrall will almost always just disappear.
  10. Rarely I have encountered thralls that stand around and do literally nothing while also apparently being invincible.
  11. Sometimes large NPC’s will clip you into them. This happens with rhinos a lot. Normally not a big deal aside from being unable to escape them. It is however a big deal when this happens and you get stuck in a falling state or a climbing state somehow… leaving you not only unable to escape but unable to attack.
  12. When climbing up cliff walls I will occasionally be thrown off for no apparent reason.
  13. When fighting creatures with my clan mates the auto target will prioritize my mates rather than the creature.

There’s more but that’s all I can remember right at this very moment being tired and all. Anyways let me just say that I love this game, and continue to play it regardless of all these issues. I DO however believe that a few of the bugs in this list should have been handled BEFORE the game went full release. I see the devs continue releasing updates and fixes and I’m very happy about this. I hope to see them continue until this game no longer has these issues. P.S. Please do not follow in Wildcards footsteps and completely ignore major bugs for years on end so you can focus on juicing your players via paid dlc’s etc. <3

(edit): 14. Sometimes cannot remove items from radial menu. Only solution to this that I’m aware of is to replace the item with a different one.
15. In single player the fly command for admins does not seem to work.

Steps on how to reproduce issue: