Building a better community

So, I have rarely ever posted anything here, and mostly lurk for info. However, recent trends have compelled me to post.

Can we all please be a more easy going and constructive community when it comes to Conan Exiles?

We do not need for you to start a thread with some inspid diatribe or rant with reasons why you are leaving. Please either just leave or stay. None of the strangers here really care, and all your sad attention seeking and complaining does is clog the forums and bury all the positivity here. It stifles the creativity of the other posts here. Tell your close friends and players. No one else cares. Fade into the void silently and with dignity please.

The other major problem is this constant bickering about PvP, PvE, true survival blah blah blah. Again, no one cares. We all have a personal opinion and can choose to leave or stay without announcing our thoughts to the world. The vast majority of the playerbase is fine with most of the changes, and no one playes on official anymore anyway. Again, please leave silently and with dignity if you choose to leave. We dont need every single person having their own spotlight to whine like a petulant child without giving any real constructive criticism as to address the problems, and then act hostile to those who dont agree with their view.

Lets instead come togethor and all be a positive force. Positivity and structured criticism will get the game to become balanced and changed by a majority vote.

Most of all lets have fun and share our passion for the game. Wether it be through our stories, videos, pictures of awesome moments or builds. I have left and come back to this game since its release on consoles and lots of things have changed. I am an adult with a full time public teaching job. If i can learn the new game mechanics with my limited time amongst my other hobbies, you can too. Roll with the flow and if you truly love this game like i do, you can learn anything. This amazing little group of friends i found on game have made me fall in love again with Conan Exiles and I play this any chance i get because they are all so great, helpful, and positive. Lets all try to follow their lead and get people to join us in having fun, not making negative waves.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Have a great day Exiles!


I don’t know if positivity is necessary, but being polite and constructive would be a welcome breath of fresh air.

I’ll confess I didn’t have high hopes that this thread would stand for a long time without being piled on by the same petty crap you called out in your post, but I didn’t want to post my skepticism because I thought that maybe this time it might be different.

I hate it when my cynicism is proven right.

Discussing the state of the game and complaining about it should be okay. What shouldn’t okay is jumping at the opportunity to be abrasive and hostile to others, or even competing to be the first one to do so.

It’s a case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

People come here foaming at the mouth to say how Funcom is full of incompetent idiots who should be fired, and the conversation goes down the toilet because people would rather throw poop at each other than flag the Karen

People come here asking for a more polite environment, and the conversation goes down the toilet because someone dared infringe on the sacred right to be a dick to others.

Conclusion? All conversations end up in the toilet, I guess. :man_shrugging:


It’s full of keyboard warriors around here, that’s for sure.

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Do not assume thats you personal view is the absolute true, when i was about to leave many friends shared their experiences with me, negatives and positives and changed my mind. May or not may some strangers dont care, but i got some friends here that do. Do some posts bomb away the positiveness? well the life is done both from positive and negative experiences, and we should learn from both. A way to start building a better comunity is not telling everyone what they should or not should post, because its your point of view. In civilized manner everyone should have the space to share their experiences. Attention seeking is not a reason to shame someone, every ones needs something. So you should listem to your words, stay or go.

True. Probably should’ve left out “sad”. The rest of that sentence is pretty much on point. “This game sucks and I’m leaving” is understandable, but pointless. Note that the problem is not the announcement that you’re leaving, it’s whether you’re really contributing anything. Explaining why you feel the game is just not fun enough to play anymore and mentioning that you’re leaving might spark an interesting discussion. Ranting about how the game is “just not X anymore” (for your choice of X) and how you’re leaving and everyone else has left and the servers are empty and the game is dead is… well, it’s deja moo.

Getting back to your criticism: on the average, the opening post of this thread is way above the average for these forums, in terms of politeness and constructive criticism.

Of course, we could treat every imperfection as a sign of hypocrisy and keep perpetuating the status quo.

Yes, I’m aware of my contributions to this problem. That’s why I’ve been pulling back a bit from the forums, participating less. I don’t actually enjoy being constantly embroiled in pointless, petty shіttiness, especially when I end up being shіtty to others as a result.

That’s why I would love to see this place improve.

EDIT: Before someone asks or insinuates something, I didn’t flag the post I replied to here :roll_eyes:


I beg to differ on the officials there and believe this…neglect is hurting the game and the fiscal goals of the company.


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