Building Piece Wont Delete/Can't Remove it

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Multiplayer
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: #1522
Mods: NONE

So I layed down a building piece by accident (you know when you click to place a piece and instead of placing where you want it it shoots off to somewhere else). maybe it is still visible but under the mesh … not sure … But I can’t remove it … it is blocking my build.

I can select other pieces but this one wont select …

DISASTER AVERTED! I finally removed/deleted the piece. Or at least I think I deleted it unless it just poofed on its own. I kept changing the material in it while walking in circles around it clicking it and spamming delete. Eventually I walked far enuff away … I am not sure if it was because I ended up at the same level as the piece or at a lower level but eventually it deleted … or just disappeared.

Also I waited till after the server restart and deleted the build (all the other pieces around it) so that it was the only one left. Not sure if that helped or not but it is gone now!!! Call it a bug or just a glitch … I am just glad it is gone. It was annoying, frustrating and time consuming but all good now.

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Sounds like the decay system poofed it.

I have one piece like this stuck near my base in the jungle. I cannot remove my whole base to hope this decays itself, coz that’s just too much work. I hate having to see it every time I play, but I’ve made my peace with it. Knowing it will never be looked into nor fixed.

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