Unable to delete foundation piece

So I laid down a foundation piece partially covered by terrain. Now I can’t select it (doesnt turn red) so I can destroy it. Yes I can put a floor tile above it and continue the build but Im just checking here if theres anything that I am missing. Thanks guys.

I am on Official 1020 PVE Online.

On an official server? I think only an Admin from FunCom could remove it now.
You could file a Zendesk report.

The only thing I would suggest is remove all building pieces, move away from the area, don’t go any where near for two to three weeks. The land claim should keep others from building in that spot. Then if you’re lucky it should decay.

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Cheers bud. Yeah was afraid of that. Since I spent so much time building there I will just cover it with a raised floor tile.

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That might work although I have heard some saying that they got a ban instead of help to remove them, I do doubt that a lot :slight_smile:

This I find a really good solution, in fact I less than a week ago recommended a clan of friends doing something like this, I said that they could remove everytthing they can except for 1 foundation and then attach a few others a make a little house of sandstone so there was something for me to check decay status on and report to them when it was safe to come back to the area again, sadly we misunderstood each other, so they removed all the foundations they could, so I cannot check the decay status of their leftovers, only see if it has reverted from landclaimed to available again, it sucks that the building hammer cannot highlight hidden foundations because this seems to happen quite a lot on official servers :face_with_monocle:


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