I placed a few foundations, they seem to be under the ground and I cant see them to delete them and its blocking me from placing a new tile there

I placed a few foundations, they seem to be under the ground and I cant see them to delete them and its blocking me from placing a new tile there.
I forgot to add some info:
I play on an official pve-c server #1518. This is a tile I placed and its underground.

I have this myself can be quite annoying, I guess it needs something like in ark with s+ where all connected build pieces could be removed

we had that problem, only way to get rid of them was to move somewhere else and let thhem decay

Try going into first person mode. It can sometimes help

I cant relocate, I built an entire village… I was hoping funcom can remove them like they do if someone places foundations to prevent others to build.

You do not mention what server you are playing on - or whether playing Solo, on PC, console, etc?

If solo then it is easy as you can switch on Admin mode and, whilst pointing at the area the foundation’s thought to be, hold down while pressing the key. That will blow up anything in that area you point at.

If server then it’s a bit of a hit and miss therefore the advice from other players above refers.

Good luck.

we got someone in one of our server banned due to someone reporting 3 foundations that could not be removed, they banned him for land claim abuse, (due to this foundations that were impossible to remove. )_

he appealed the case but never responded because it was a suspension not a ban lol.

Sorry, I play on an Official PVE-C server #1518… I can place a wall on the edge and see where it is, but I can not see the actual tile. I tried first person and still cant get it. I places the tile, so the Land claim shouldnt be an issue.

If on Official then either build on top of that ‘hidden’ build piece, change to some other build location, or let Decay take any build pieces out?

one thing that sometimes worked when there was some elevation, was eqquipping a spear and crouched in 1st person view try to break looking below the texture and hit e to select and destroy it. if it is on flat ground building on it so you have something to walk foward against.
worked sometimes

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Try to report it on Zendesk, make a small video if you can explaining which foundations you need to be removed. It may take some time however, these things cannot be priorities!
Good luck!

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