Can't delete foundation piece. Any ideas?

Hope this post is in the right place. So I laid down a foundation piece partially covered by terrain. Now I can’t select it (doesnt turn red) so I can destroy it. Yes I can put a floor tile above it and continue the build but Im just checking here if theres anything that I am missing. Thanks guys.

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If you are on single player, you can go into ghost mode. With admin privileges you can go under the terrain and try and delete from that side.

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It isn’t, but np. Next time you have a question choose, players helping players.

My dear friend you have to give us a bit more info.
Where do you play?
Single player?
Private server?
If online Pve or pvp?

Sorry its Official PVE 1020. Online.

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I don’t deserve the solution, thanks, you can remove it until a real solution will appear.
From all the answers, this is the most difficult…

I am pretty sure you tried everything, so there’s not a point to ask.
I will tag @Community to make the question.
My dearest Community admins is there any chance Zendesk ticket to help in this situation?
Thanks in advance!

Try going into 1st person mode and carefully position yourself without using the construction hammer and see if you can manually interact with the rogue foundation


To add to this, sometimes it helps to over-encumber yourself so that you move much slower, giving greater control over targeting placement.


I had this issue, but there really wasn’t anything i could do since it was on official as well. It was a fence foundation and I couldn’t select it. I ended up just placing ceiling tiles over it and kept on building. It was super frustrating, but it happens sometimes. When it does, you just hope there’s some way you can cover it up and build over it.

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Been there.

Back up a ways, like you’d shoot a bow, 1st person, and aim for a corner if you can see one.


Malkum can make a ticket over at the Help Centre and request them to delete the pieces they aren’t able to remove! Make sure to let them know you are only looking to get these pieces removed and you aren’t reporting anyone.

You can share the ticket number with us so we can poke our colleagues.

Please do take into consideration that our team has received a lot of requests lately so they may take a while to reply.

Hope this helps!


A lot :heart_eyes:.
Thanks a million @Sarealac.
@Malkum, the topic above deserves the solution my friend.
Create an account on Zendesk and file your report exactly as Sarealac suggested.
Sarealac, thanks a million again.

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I hate to admit it, but I’d be super afraid to do this. I feel like they’d wipe the whole base by accident. Maybe it’s just my paranoia though. :confounded:



No problem, thank you for bringing it to my attention!

@jmk1999 understandable, you can always let it be clear that you only want those pieces removed and in the case that it isn’t possible to only remove them, they can let you know and go on from there.



Pfft, Those puny things? This is my preferred method

@Lucidique @Anglinex Official PvE. That won’t work.

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