Buildings Dissapearing!

unlock plus does not change or add any building parts. only the raidals menus are extended with additional entries (without changing the original radial menu or the blueprints of the building parts).

And yet, it fixed our issue of buildings dissapearing after the restart. So there must be a link.

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to be honest, conan exiles never needed a mod to make things disappearā€¦

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Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying. - Iā€™m saying that we had issues of buildings dissapearing. We tried everything, removed certain mods, added certain mods, and wiped as well. The moment unlock+ was removed, the issues of entire builds dissapearing stopped.

There must be a link there. You can be stubborn all you want, but we have proof of it. Iā€™m not a modder, I donā€™t know how it works exactly. But it is a fact.

Iā€™m not stubborn, I just noticed that the mod didnā€™t change any building parts and this is also a fact

more factsā€¦

and actually they are not facts but only hintsā€¦

Yes, this is probably a fact. I would not know, as I saidā€¦ Iā€™m not a modder. What I do know, is that your mod, Unlock+ caused issues with multiple servers. Maybe the fact that buildings were picked up and then put down again caused them to dissapear.

And yesā€¦ thatā€™s one comment. Againstā€¦ 5 comments of 5 different people saying they had things dissapear, as well as people in this thread who say they had things dissapear with your mod installed. And Iā€™m telling you, we have had all mods on our server, removed them one by one, tested them one by one. But the moment we removed your mod, Unlock+, everything we built, stayed beyond a reboot.

Donā€™t get me wrong, your mod is awesome. But there is a link between your mod and the buildings going poof. Itā€™s not like the buildings actually dissapear either, they literally just explode the moment someone comes near it.

If this might help anyone figure things out, Iā€™ll report my building disappearing experience, since it was a bit peculiar and might give food for thoughts for the modders (I assume the devs of the game arenā€™t really interested in the matter and just leave you people in the dark, no matter if the issue might be on their side.)
After a server restart several building disappeared, mine too, it was a restart due to a mod update, but I gather it could have happened any time, although, several buildings disappeared all at once, the moment people logged in their stuff was gone.
What happened to my building was that everything linked to the building through foundations and the like vanished, bunch of stuff falling out of the ex-boxes and all that jazz, but I had some stuff (tables, preservers, chest) laying around just under a porch, on the bare ground, and that was entirely untouched, as well as a thralling post elsewhere and, and I found it odd, a single foundation that was almost attached to the vanished building, but was just on its own.
Now, considering all I thought that it was not a proximity matter, but rather the decay system that binds objects together that might have ā€œspreadā€ this issue to any item that was ideally sharing the decay timer. We donā€™t have decay, but the system to calculate decay is probably still there, just not ticking, but linking together the piece all the same, so if, I imagine, one piece trigger a destruction system, all the linked stuff goes puff.
I hope this might help you figure out what might be going on at the moment.
Have a pleasant day people, and thanks for all the work you put in your mods!


5 comments of 12000 subsā€¦ last time the mod was broken after a game update I had a hell of a s.h.i.t.storm on steam

the change list ( of the last game update doesnā€™t contain anything that the mod touched. i really donā€™t see any reason for an update.

and just make an update so that an update was madeā€¦

That might be helpful, Taeclys. As I said, not a modder so I have little knowledge of it. But who knows, maybe someone seeing this will be able to help.

As for unlock+, sure. 5 comments out of 12000 subs. The effects seem inconsistent, people who have unlock+ have, or donā€™t have the issue.

Iā€™m just telling you my experience, which is that our issues with buildings going poof stopped the very moment unlock+ was removed. - Once we removed unlock+, and we logged back in, all buildings made before unlock+ was removed, got instantly destroyed for some reason. But everything we built after unlock+ was removed, stuck around for so far 6 restarts.

And with all due respect, instead of telling us because you do not have chaos on steam and only 5 reports of people with this issue with this mod, you could also just see if there is something about your mod that causes this issue, or update it to the recent devkit, so that maybe it is compatible.

Iā€™ve gone through the trouble to thoroughly test the server I was on with the admins on it. We tested every single mod seperately, in combinations and removed them as well if needed. And the only mod that resulted to cause issues we experienced was unlock+.

Just because there are only 5 comments, doesnā€™t mean there are only 5 people who have this issue or that the issue is nonexistent.

I recommend to test your issue in Singleplayer. Try with one and then activate one after another. I can exclude Pippi from it because we also use it on our server and we donā€™t have this issue. Wish you luck :four_leaf_clover:

well it never happens in singleplayer though, but here too, as soon as we removed it, no problems at all,
so in some strange way it is linked.
so you gotta admit that it is something since when it happens its installed and it stop happening when we remove it.

Iā€™ll relate some of the experiences Iā€™ve been seeing on a RP server that I play on. Perhaps it will help.

The server runs some common RP mods, inlcuding Unlock+, and we are also encountering lots of issues with buildings exploding or simply disappearing between restarts.
I, myself, have done some testing related to the distance between foundations, and found that if a clan mate has placed down a building (before the latest Funcom patch introduced these issues), and I attempt to put down foundations more than, say, ten foundations away, the structure will be deleted between restarts.

Unfortunately, the server staff are reluctant to switch off Unlock+ because a huge amount of buildings might simply be lost.

Now, I can only express appreciation to anyone who spends their time trying to enhance the game, for free, but we do believe that some change introduced in the latest patch is conflicting with Unlock+ somewhere.

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So you are saying that in your case, the old structure will vanish after reboot if new foundations are built a little ways away from the old structure? That is something I could test.

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Yeah. I think thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. I noticed that my clanmate has two buildings, made before the latest Funcom patch, that are basically a continent apart (almost opposite sides of the map).

After the patch, I attempted to build (using stock CE foundations, etc) approximately 20 foundation blocks away.
When the server reboots, my structures are gone.

To further test, I then put one of several various foundation squares down within about 5 foundation blocks distance of my clanmateā€™s building. After about a dozen server restarts over the course of several days, those foundations I placed are still there.

Without being any sort of expert in code or modding, I can only theorise in laymanā€™s terms that there might be something with the ā€˜landclaimā€™ system.

We tested this as well, with Unlock+. All structures beyond like 10 foundations or more, would get deleted after the server restart. We tested this also without unlock+ and it all stayed.

From what I understood from other modders, a lot of code has changed in the new patch which might make some mods not compatible with the game anymore.

The decision to use mods is intentional. As an admin and as a player we all know, that mods could cause incompatibility after every patch or in use of more than one mod. Nevertheless we all are fans of Modding and we appreciate the possibilities mods are giving us. So we have to accept the risks which are coming with every update of the game. The only thing you can do is to choose your mods wisely, use your own criteriaā€™s : mine are - an active Modder which cares for his mod and his community and periodic updates. Next to that I only want to remember: Funcom is promoting this game with the possibility for modding! I know the programmers are giving really good support in the Modding Discord. They are helping out where they can. Maybe the Devs should do this too.

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Iā€™ve given this a try. I planted 4 khitan foundations (2 on top of 2). I did this near 3 bases built by friends in my clan. The foundations were planted at various distances. After server reboot none had vanished. So I went and built more, specifically measured to be more than 10 foundations away from any other placed object. Here are screenshots:

After this 2nd server reboot, one set of foundations had vanished:

Here, the earlier set of foundations have vanished. These further away ones remain.

I tried removing Unlock Plus and reloading the backup game.db that when started, would have the missing foundations. They were still missing.

I tried rebuilding the foundations in as close to the same spot as possible with the mod running again. They did not vanish.

So, this unfortunately means I canā€™t make the issue properly repeatable in the testing I have done. I can not confirm whether Unlock Plus has any bearing on this issue.

Here are my mods:

ā€œGlass Constructions and moreā€¦ā€
ā€œLimestone Buildingsā€
ā€œJungle Building Setā€
ā€œGreater Camera Distanceā€
ā€œLitMan Item Stackā€
ā€œBetter Elevatorsā€
ā€œUnlock Plusā€
ā€œPippi - User & Server Management -ā€
ā€œLitMan Level One Fifty Sixā€
ā€œLitMan Loot Legendary Chestsā€
ā€œTier4 Thralls - Half Increased Spawnā€
ā€œPythagoras Support Beamsā€
ā€œLess Building Placement Restrictions - No NPC Campsā€

p.s. I was Admin when testing all this and nothing is shown as happening in the event log other than the server start messages.


Apparently parts of the revised building system have been rolled out with the last patch. I donā€™t know if the mod update fixes the problem, but itā€™s worth a tryā€¦ if notā€¦ I donā€™t knowā€¦

oh and unfortunately still a bitter pill: the fix will probably not fix ā€˜damagedā€™ structures again. building parts that disappear with the last mod version will also disappear with the latest version. however, newly placed building parts should persist. hint: if it is possible to go back to a savegame before the update 34 and the latest version of the mod should work.


LBPR - NNC Hasnā€™t been updated yet and I can confirm that (since Iā€™m the mod author) that blueprints I touched in it were altered in the latest update. The only confirmed bug thus far has been face directions being turned off (which is resolved after an update is done, which Iā€™ve done two at this point). I am unsure if there has been any other issues but I wouldnā€™t discount it as to a build disappear element at the moment until I can get it updated.

Side Note: Tier 4 Thralls also hasnā€™t been updated. Leeux and I are in the process of getting our scouttage going so I can do a full revamp of the data tables. Just slow work per what I talked about on my workshop pages (doggo still very sicky).

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a little clarification: the mod update canā€™t restore already damaged data. in the moment the mod is loaded the structures have already been destroyed by the game. i canā€™t change that. maybe someone can fix the whole thing on the game.db level. but i donā€™t know much about it.
that means: all connected structures that were changed between the funcom update and the mod update are potentially affected. the mod update doesnā€™t change that either. but: all connected structures that are changed after the mod update shouldnā€™t have the problem anymore.