I saw screenshots of camels with luggage on their backs and I really liked the idea to use them as decoration, I got my hands on some camel calfs and raised them in the animal pen but they have no luggage on their back.
Did these players use mods (but even the Conan Exiles Wiki shows pictures of the camels with luggage)? Or am I missing something?
Those weren’t mods. Funcom changed the way camels looked in one of the updates, I’m not sure which one exactly.
Funcom changed it. I used the camels for a long time, not because of their usefullness but their cute looks and I was very sad about the changes last year. I really liked them the way they where made and I still hope it will be possible to get that look back, at least as a “saddle” with a dlc.
So I guess you never noticed the creepy skinned human face in their luggage?
Haha, in fact I did. But ignored it rigorously. RIP my beloved “Caramel”. He died the day when this Funcom thieves stole his “clothes”.
Oh that is very sad to hear I wanted to make a fast travel place to my other houses and villages and decorate a caravan resting spot with them.
But thanks for answering!
To be exact , the day the mount update went live camels lost their “luggage” saddle , there is for 99% sure correlation that it will be implemented as future saddles for us to ride on camel backs we just have to be patient !!! to retreive what was once lost
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