Can Funcom please atleast acknowledge that Pets need some help?

Hey @Community.

This fella here (greater wolf with Aesir skin) is one-in-a-million. His defensive stats are borderline un-achievable but he’s got average damage stats. I’m running a 20/20 Authority build with Well-Trained.

So that base damage is boosted by 80%, plus 10% from any dietry food, plus the 20 strength bonus AND another 30% from the roids I fed him.

And he deals exactly 50 damage TO EXILES ON NOOB RIVER.

For comparison, I took a tier 4 fighter thrall from the Heirs of the North tribe to the same spot, maxed level with strength armour and a Greatsword (57 damage) , without giving them any buffs from foods or potions but still with 20/20 Authority and Well-Trained.

She was dealing 90+ damage on light attacks.

Wolves & Sabre Toothes are the highest damage dealing pets available (correct me if I’m wrong please) and a Tier 4 Mid-game thrall is (realistically) dealing double the damage they are. Not only that, but Thralls attack much more frequently and land their attacks much more consistantly with a much better base HP and almost instant top tier damage and damage reduction straight from the Wheel.


Would you please consider purchasing yet another wolf cosmetic skin? Original price is $400 but we discounted it to $100 so it’s a great deal.

If all you are asking for is Funcom to acknowledge that pets need help, they’ve already done that on multiple occasions. Job done.

What we are still waiting on is for them to actually make some sort of change in that direction.

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