Hey @Community.
This fella here (greater wolf with Aesir skin) is one-in-a-million. His defensive stats are borderline un-achievable but he’s got average damage stats. I’m running a 20/20 Authority build with Well-Trained.
So that base damage is boosted by 80%, plus 10% from any dietry food, plus the 20 strength bonus AND another 30% from the roids I fed him.
And he deals exactly 50 damage TO EXILES ON NOOB RIVER.
For comparison, I took a tier 4 fighter thrall from the Heirs of the North tribe to the same spot, maxed level with strength armour and a Greatsword (57 damage) , without giving them any buffs from foods or potions but still with 20/20 Authority and Well-Trained.
She was dealing 90+ damage on light attacks.
Wolves & Sabre Toothes are the highest damage dealing pets available (correct me if I’m wrong please) and a Tier 4 Mid-game thrall is (realistically) dealing double the damage they are. Not only that, but Thralls attack much more frequently and land their attacks much more consistantly with a much better base HP and almost instant top tier damage and damage reduction straight from the Wheel.