Can Not Access My Server Information Any Longer?

Game mode: Online Private
Type of issue: Mics
Server type:PVE
Region: NA

My server control panel through GTX Gaming can no longer access server data. I cant see how many players are on the server, their locations, or even RCon in to admin remotely.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Log into control panel
  2. Look at server stats and cant see anything

Are there any new APIs they can access or a way to access this data? Its pretty important for server owners.


Have the same problem here with my own dedicated server

I’m on GTX as well, and while I can see CPU and Memory usage, the API changes have broken the graph that shows # Players. Likewise, this has killed any sort of useful reporting to BattleMetrics, both of which (as the OP rightly states) are quite important to server admins.

AFAIK, there is little that GTX or BattleMetrics will be able to do to rectify this since Funcom has moved away from a standardized platform to a proprietary one. IMO, we’re going to need Funcom to figure out some way for their own Live Services to report back to Steam, etc. so that the established API calls remain relevant.

To me, this seems like the onus is on Funcom to deliver a backend solution that conforms with established APIs.

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They disabled the Steam API, for what ever reason (PC Hotfix (18.06.2020) - Critical fixes) and no idea if funcom has even shared their new Chinese API yet

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