Official Server #1945

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Crash
Server type: PvP
Region: America

Official Server 1945 appears to be up and is queryable but refuses logins and shows 0 online players.

Ensure you report the problem via the “Report official server” button on the bottom of the server list. That report goes directly to Gportal who can check the server status and restart it if needed. Apparently if they get enough reports it prompts them to investigate. But we don’t know if it’s enough reports in general or enough reports from unique IP addresses that escalates the report to their attention.

Regardless, it’s 2.15 am in Norway, so no one from Funcom will read this report until office hours.

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Yes, I did that and tweeted at Funcom earlier today. Given that 1945 seems to be in the Top 10 servers you’d think that they might notice if, all of the sudden, usage drops to nil.

I’ve used g-portal before and, while they aren’t awful, they are not always the speediest when it comes to responding to questions/reports.

I did all the same too. Hopefully it gets back up soon.

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