Can not heal: potions or bandages 😳

Edit: this keeps happening at least once a day, neither healing potions nor bandages can be used.
When that happens, no matter where I am, I have to quit to main menu and get back again so I can get healed.

Original post:
From time to time I can not heal with wrap not potions.
I was going to upload a video showing it, but now I get a message saying that I can not share videos from the game.
Please your help with this issue.

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You have to fix YouTube channel, upload the video there and share the link here.
But for these issues you don’t need to fix video. Just complete a report on Playstation bug section! Even if you see 0 replies do not think that admins didn’t read it.

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Got it, thank you!
I have uploaded videos and shared pictures before though.
I will look for the report tomorrow.

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I think a couple days ago @Kazalakis had issues uploading videos here too, or to the Zendesk page, I don’t remember very well. It’s a bit difficult these days, in a few weeks everything will be back in normal I guess. Thanks for letting me know, I am a noob on uploading videos :laughing:.

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