Can the bazar be fixed ? And will the 3rd battle pass be worth the money?

I feel like the bazar has some very questionable prices and overall stuff that shouldnt even be in it to begin with , the items are always high quality in design , but that dosent mean its worth its price . Like 4 pounds for a bush . Like you ok there funcom? . I would personally like to see a design change to the bazar . Like a tab that has everything thats came out , armor , paints , structures and put them at a fixed price , but still continue with bundles . So if you only wanted that new khitan armor you could buy it separately and not with bundle of extra stuff your never going to use.

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I don’t disagree with everything you say, but you have to remember that many people will probably think the bazaar is great as it is, and that the battle pass is worth the money.
These things are very subjective.


I could do as darthphysicist and facepalm, because the discussion about pricing can be found in a bunch of threads, but you do raise some good questions/suggestions for the Bazaar :slight_smile:

A seperate tab with all individual items with a price per piece is a good idea, then they could do the rolls with bundles and sets on the front page, this would at least remove the fomo aspect from the shop.
Also it would be a great idea with a little more info about the individual items like fx. can an emote be used by thralls also? etc.
The Bazaar feels like a rushed shop where they didn’t even consider description and use of items, but went directly to pricing so they could start selling as fast as possible.

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Agreed. I dislike how the prices are hidden from me if I purchase a set and then an individual item or combo pack is sold later. The item shows “Owned” but not the price of that item alone or repackaged. Not being transparent with pricing to people who have made purchases is not my cup of tea.


Okay now that I’ve stepped away and had a smoke, I’m going to carefully build on the constructive and ignore the other bits.

Yes, I would also like the bazaar menu to be worked on a bit. As there are more items to cycle thru it will become more important because in order to display everything it may be at a seizure inducing rate. If I was a betting man, I’d say they are aware of this and working on it. The current layout is probably the best way to display the available items without the page looking empty and spilling over to a second tab as of today, but come later this year, there should be enough items to warrant a full scale redo of the bazaar tab. Maybe sooner who knows.

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I read this part, glanced at my wife, and she immediately gave me the death stare. Thank you for the best laugh of my day!



Not gonna happen unfortunatelly - it seems that’s just cash grab, they didn’t even put a lot effort in bazaar alone.

They just went for any known strategy for greedy / predatory monetization.

I just want to point out that the price for individual items will be higher than what you’re seeing now. Supposedly, the “discounts” that show up so prominently in BLB are “bundle discounts”, i.e. how much they’re “lowering” the price because they’re offering all that stuff together.

Technically what there doing is against the law in some countries , bringing out new bundles and saying there 2100 instead of 2600 , when there brand new , same thing happend with overwatch 2 . There not really on discount so only reason for it is to insist people to buy it because they think its on discount

Generally the prices are all over the place 340 coins for a aesir axe and shield but then 340 for just one arcane mace . Low price pretty nice , but big catch lowest amount of coins you can buy is 1200 8,30$ so if you have zero coins everything is automatically 8,30 so from looking over the months a painting is 170 coins about 50 cents ,weapons 340 so euro or two, 380 for a emote 2 euro, then armors and pet reskins are about 800 to 900 so about 5 to 6 euros and peaceables range from 170 to 600 coins .

Khitan bundle is completely missleading it says the original price is 2850 and its been reduced to 1995 because its in a bundle , but if you add everything together it only reaches 1995 instead of 2850 , 800 coins for a armor set 340 for the weapon 100 to 200 for the small placeables and about 300 to 400 for thw big placeable . So whoever is doing these apparent prices should be fired or moved up in the ranks of the decepticons

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