Can we add a few races to the game?

I don’t know if dwarves,elfs or etc exist in the Conan universe. They would however be fun to play as.

They don’t exist. The different races in hyboria are like the different races on earrh


I like that they don’t exist. I’m sick of every game having non human races like it some how can’t be fun without it.


I do recommend reading some of Robert E. Howard’s original Conan stories. You can get the complete collection on Play Store for a few dollars.


There’s also free audio books on internet archive.

No. None of that please. Stick to the conan Universe and leave the mainstream-fantasy to TESO, WoW and Lord of the rings.


Honestly, I love Tolkien’s work. The Lord of the Rings and Silmarillion remain high on the list of my favorite books and I re-read them occasionally despite having read them many times already.

What I don’t understand is this weird “pressure” in the gaming industry, this mandate that all fantasy must include Tolkien-derivative elements. I guess it’s just cheap memetics: “Put in elves and dwarves, because people will recognize them and we don’t have to invent something new.”

So no. Let’s not do that here, too.




Read some conan books or comics, and you will understand why this game is not world of warcraft.


They don’t excixst in Hyboria, so no thanks


As stated by many others they do not exist in the works of Robert E. Howard. They do not belong in the Hyboria and that is one of the reasons (just one of the many reasons) I hate certain mods like Age of Calamitous.


Hey Bryan,
Well, Robert Howard said that mankind was just one out of many other races enslaved by the serpent men. However, besides the nagas, I don’t recall meeting any other non- human race in his tales… (except, perhaps, for degenerate men/animal races who were supposed to be the remote descendence of ancient lost human civs). Anyway… I really doubt he was suggesting anything remotely similar to elves, dwarves, orcs, etc…

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Welcome to the community, Zozimos! :slight_smile:

Of course he didn’t. The last Conan story written by Howard was published in 1936. The very first edition of The Hobbit was published in 1937. The Lord of the Rings was published in 1954 and 1955.

Although elves and dwarves have existed in mythology long before that, the stereotypical high fantasy elves and dwarves that we recognize are derived from Tolkien’s work.

Bryan would have better luck asking for dinosaurs than for elves and dwarves, because at least dinosaurs appear in Howard’s work, although Conan calls them dragons :wink:


Hi CodeMage! Thank you!
In fact, Tolkien legendarium started around 1917… His “gnomish” dictionary was done by 1930. But this is just me getting nerdy and drifting away from our actual subject.
Anyway… I guess (about Bryan’s suggestion) that Howard’s other races would be more likely borrowed from H. P. Lovecraft universe ( like hyborian “brylukas” are related to HPL 's ghouls, etc) … So , non - humans would be just unplayable… :slight_smile:

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Robert E. Howard and H. P. Lovecraft were great friends and wrote to one another quite often. They very much were aware of each others works and they both considered Hyboria to be part of the same world the Lovecraft wrote about. That being said, the Serpent-men were pretty much eradicated during the Thurian Age (the time of Atlantis and Valusia when King Kull was around) and well before the Hyborian Age. The giant kinds would be the last of the pre-human races to die out and I really really dislike the way the funcom portrays them. They look NOTHING like the way Howard describes them. The only other non human races he talks about are basically what could be considered to be early hominids that are dying out and do not make it out of the Hyborian Age.


Hi Oduda! Nice comment!
So, Bryan, google “Lovecraft Circle” or something alike… You will get the spirit of Howard’s idea of non-human races!
It was quite a nice experience to place comments here. It’s been a while since I last talked about Howard, Lovecraft and Tolkien in a single conversation! Hope to see you in more posts!

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Thank you. I try when I can.

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What I like most about those writers is that while death was present, it wasn’t used as a cheap tool to create drama. It was an interwoven part of the story. All too often these days, writers use it to make up for their inability to tell an intriguing story without it.

If LotR was never written…just an idea…a quest with a diverse party of Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits, and this was handed to most writers today, at least half of the Party would die throughout the three books. Tolkien however, was a master story teller, so he didn’t have to kill off a large part of his central cast to create an interesting story. 1 human in the party died, and that was it. The rest lived. Name a writer today that can create such a powerful story, and do the same?

I nominate Guy Gavriel Kay, Pierce Brown, and James S.A. Corey, although that last one is really two authors.

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