Just as the title questions. We recently got dev wiped our base was in the temple of O6 which is named. We were not blocking anything we built up the top and left bottom open is this ok?
I’ve read funcoms rules on this but it’s really quite unclear if you can or not.
This has been a discussion rehashed many times on the forums recently.
All evidence points to no, do not build in any named permastructure. Further, simply don’t build in any permastructure.
However, I may say this but ultimately this is Funcom’s realm. The rest of us can give our own experiences, opinions and ideas but it is not the answer. Only Funcom can clear this up.
I don’t think everything named is considered a poi. At least on the Conan exiles map online where you can specifically look at poi’s. There’s a difference between the two on there. Although not sure how reliable it is.