To the Funcom Devs

HOW can it be possible to build in places where you are not allowed to build?!
I had a base in “The Gutter” cave with a clan on a “PVP” server, but apparently you are not allowed to build there, so your base will get deleted because of this!!!
What the hell is this and what the hell are you thinking Funcom!!!



Ok for gutter, I don’t believe it’s location but what pvp building strategies do to it. Most gutter builds are lag fests and so you get enforced for that. People assume it’s the location because it always seems to get enforced on but no one is looking at how gutter is built up with hundreds of layers of doors and chests and lighting and thralls…all of these add up to lagging the server and that’s what gets enforced on.

Because not every server has the same restrictions. Should Funcom make everything no build that -I- think shouldn’t be built around? What makes your opinion of what should be a no-build zone.

I’ll agree to new no build zones, but only if I get to choose them.


This is one I hear all the time basically it’s “if it wasn’t ok to build there I wouldn’t be able to, right”?
Guess what?

I’ll arm wrestle ya for it.

Its not like its any different than other caves… ?

And YES Taemien, Funcom SHOULD make it impossible to build in areas WHERE YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED ?!

Like wtf !? Are they trying to shut the game down for good or what ?

It’s really quite simple to define - if FC is going to wipe people for building in a location, that location should be a no-build zone on Official servers. That’s how it should work in any game that has official servers.


the other caves are points of contention as well and the enforcement team hasn’t provided details on if some locations are the issue vs how the base is built.

One of the biggest things is that if you seal off a POI, then you are at risk for being enforced on. Sealing a cave is no different than walling off a location in their minds in that type of thing.

And no, they will not hard code limits of building into the game based on official server policies since they understand the game also has private servers and solo/co-op as well.

The way it should work is not launch so many servers that they can’t be moderated in a timely manner.

Empyrion has official servers one PVE and one PVP and they run as smoothly as private servers. Funcom should (as their agreements allow) reduce their servers until they can have a same day response to reports.

If that means one server per type per region, then that’s how it should be. There shouldn’t be enough servers to serve the entire playerbase. There should only be enough servers depending on the capabilities of their moderation team.

Automated solutions are more cost effective, are easier to make work properly when scaling up the number of servers and have the added bonus that they don’t punish people for accidentally breaking a rule they don’t know exists. Enforcement after the fact is significantly inferior to preventing a problem from existing in the first place. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of getting dev wiped.

If people aren’t allowed to build on a location then don’t let them build there in the first place. That’s much more fair to players then having GM’s take action against them.

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i don’t think 5K of us can squeeze on to 3 servers.

Straight up if you can find a near empty PVE server please tell me which one. The one I’m on has between 4 and 14 on at any time of day. So estimate 30 players over a 24 hour day.
Not sure why people seem to think the public servers are empty. Maybe the PVP ones where people have quit because of hackers.

Been pushed before I’ve come to the conclusion people don’t really want a solution, they want something besides themselves to blame when they get banned for braking the rules.

I’ve pushed for land claim blocks/flags and expanded no builds. Most people build with out ever reading the ToC. They build thinking there is a block limit and you can’t build no build areas. Then they come unglued when they get a 2 strike ban. “But I never got a warning”. A warning they were scre wing up or a warning they were going to get banned for it.

with the ammount of people that is probably running this, not sure if they can handle more than 30 or 40 servers?, its a wild guess. b/c no one knows how many people they got in support…

same happens with how many people thy got in QA, no one knows… funcom does not share that type of information

but yes taemien i do agree with you… supports needs improvements and QA,… well if they have one it needs a lot of improvments, and if not they need one ASAP.

You’re right on the edge of comparing apples to oranges. let’s discuss.

What you are saying is true, and I completely agree with you. There will always be people who violate the ToC, either deliberately or through negligence, who then complain that they were treated unfairly.

But there will also be people who are legitimately treated unfairly and in no way does player misconduct invalidate the idea that prevention is better, more time efficient, more cost effective, and more fair to honest players than enforcement after-the-fact.

There will always be ToC violations, that’s true in every game, not just Conan, but that’s not an excuse for avoiding the question of whether certain locations ought not to allow people to build in the first place.

Automated solutions can’t prevent every problem, there will always be a need for GM’s, but automated (preventative) solutions make enforcement more efficient and more even handed.

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Been saying that for a while.

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Must be an after-release.

The lag does get worse around the waterfalls, especially when someone has their unraidable taunt from that area. Easier to go around then count the number of clans that have blocked it with pens.

Use mods or settings to modify where your players can build in a private server. Officials should be protected by default.

But you are allowed. That is the point that they are making. It is not the location that is the issue. It is the way that people, especially people in a certain play mode, tend to build in that spot build which is the problem. Not the location itself. Thus, it would be rather stupid to make it a no build zone for every other play mode, as well as private server, AND solo / co-op players. Thus, this is a stupid request to make it a no build zone simply because SOME people build in a manner which causes them to get hit with ToS violations.

Zero? :rofl:

Yes, yes it does!!!

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is there anything less than zero? i did not wanted to say zero… but its clearly not much more than 0.

despite some smart arses (white knights) that thing they know better because a dev replied a PM to them once and moderates an unnoficial discord,

will not say more . XD

False. It was wiped in PVEC too. Wasn’t overbuilt or laggy.

Your explanation here describes every pvp base that’s not on a pillar or mountain top.

Guess they’re all violations too. Which is incredibly stupid.

This explanation is a great example of why we need separate rules on pvp servers.

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And here we go.
“we’re PVP and we deserve special rules” :roll_eyes:
Please cater to us.

Is there or is there not settings in the severer set up for how big or if you have no build zones?
If so doesn’t that mean that game setting for the public servers need not effect single player, coop or private servers?

And some are just so right, there is just nothing between being able to build any where and no where. I’ve always been fascinated by these people that live in an either or world, sort of like flat land. It’s either all or nothing, there is no existence between the 2.