Cannot change nudity setting

While trying out different mods, the MaxNudity setting became stuck at none. My character was at level 19 when this occurred. I had been running mods without a problem up until this point.

I deleted all mods. No change. I deleted all game saves, logs, and all configuration files I could find. No change. I uninstalled the game, and reloaded the game. No change. I tried console commands. No change.

I have played the game about a year ago. Clocked over 1.2K hours. I realize that when starting a game, to change the MaxNudity setting you start a custom game. Did that. No change. Went into console commands in the custom game. Checked the server settings. It lists Full. But when I get out of the console command screen, the character and thralls still have underwear on. Tried changing outfits. The underwear remains.

I freely profess I have no clue about programming or creating mods. It is all magic to me. So I am open to constructive suggestions as to what to do at this point. I appreciate any recommendations.

Did you check the Gameplay settings as well? You have to select ‘Full’ nudity in both places.


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