Cannot connect to any server through PlayStation Plus streaming

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online
Server Type: All
Map: Both
Server Name: All

Bug Description:

Cannot connect to any server using PlayStation Plus streaming

Bug Reproduction:

Launch Conan Exiles from Playstation Plus streaming on PS5 or PC, load up the server list.

Greetings SofiannP!
Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome to our forums!

Upon checking your screenshot, we see that all the servers that are greyed out are full, due to the number of players within them.

As such, in order for us to properly assist you, could you please go to ‘‘Filtrer’’, at the top left corner of the server list from your screenshot, select ‘‘Official’’ and try to join any server that is not full.
If you can’t, take a screenshot of your server list - like your initial screenshot - and of any error message that may appear when you try to join a server and send it to us please.

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

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I changed the filter it’s still greyed out, this is a client issue happening only on the streaming service from PlayStation Plus. I cannot scroll down to select any of these servers except the two on top. Hope that was insightful

Have you checked if the streaming issue occurs in single player mode?

Yes, Solo works using PlayStation Plus streaming, Co-op seems to be able to turn on however I haven’t tried inviting anyone yet.

All servers are grey besides 3, this is a recent issue as I was using PS+ to play Conan just before the last update.

Everything works fine on the downloaded version of the game, it’s really just the streamed version that’s out of date with current client of the game.

Now if we hop on the downloaded version, everything works fine as intended. It just seems to me that the devs or Sony forgot to update the PS+ Streaming version, streaming games works differently than playing them when they’re downloaded on your console. I’m not an expert but this is a classic case of mismatched client versions of the game.

The last month i do some “hidden” streaming on twitch. First i log in and then i start streaming. Yet it’s impossible to stream on official servers, it lags pretty much. So i stopped streaming on official servers, i stream only single player.

Oh by streaming the game I mean playing the game without having to download it thanks to PlayStation Plus’ new service, it’s kind of like PlayStation Now. You stream games instead of downloading them just like you would on Netflix for a movie for example. This used to work fine until the last update which was very useful since I could play PlayStation Conan Exiles from my PC with the PS+ App.

Not alot of people seem to use this, I’m guessing I’m the only guy using PS+ on PC to play Conan Exiles since noone has reported this issue since last update lol

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“Upon checking your screenshot, we see that all the servers that are greyed out are full, due to the number of players within them.”

No they are greyed out due to being invalid client versions, if you look to the right you’d see “Ping: 9999”, “Age: ???”. Also it shows 20/20 (0), notice the (0). This only happens when you start Conan Exiles from the PlayStation Plus streaming, meaning not downloading the game, streaming the game.

The version that PlayStation Plus is streaming is not the same client version as the latest update you’ve released. The reason we still see 2 servers online (Austrian Pirates & Portugal) is most likely because these are the only 2 servers left running the old client compatible with the one that PlayStation Plus runs.

If you still don’t understand I could make a video that’s pretty clear, we’re not talking about livestreaming or full servers. We’re talking about Conan Exiles Online not being playable when streamed through PlayStation Plus instead of downloaded.

Could be cloud issues or internet traffic or even the bloody weather

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Pretty sure the guy that makes sure that all versions are updated (Steam, Playstation Store, Playstation Plus Stream, Xbox, etc) just forgot to do the changes for the PS+ Streaming version or it’s Sony’s fault for launching the wrong version of the game when streaming the game.

Everything works fine if I download the game and play it that way. Streaming the game was just more convenient and worked fine until like 10 days ago when the new stuff was added to Bazaar and fixes were mades, that’s when they forgot to update the streamed version that’s on PlayStation Plus.

Streaming games is like a PS+ Premium feature too that costs 18$/month, not so cheap.

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