June 12, 2020, 12:15am
Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug ]
Region: [All]
Every time I try to find a server in any mode (pve, pvp, pve-c) the next message appears, I can’t see or choose any server, I’m already connected to the play station network and I have a valid play station plus membresy
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Start the game
Select play online
Select a combat mode
Error appears
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Same here. Tried official and private.
Error appears
Note the error appears before any direct connection with one of the servers.
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Same for me just a few minutes ago it begun i checked evry other psn game worked absolutely fine for me. hope this gets fixed
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Seems like Funcom Has a problem i looked at downtector and there are 91 reports that it doesnt work i will check the other games
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106 reports at 2:16 central european time sad but seems like we have to wait for it to be fixed hope evryone here had a great playstation 5 reveal day
Hey everyone, sorry for the trouble regarding this. We’re looking into the connectivity issues currently and will update as soon as we can. Thank you very much for your all’s patience!
June 12, 2020, 12:33am
I hope they solve it soon
My body just laying in middle of unnamed city. Hope it gets fixed soon.
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It’s been 2 1/2 hours now. Any updates, please?
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Hey then only you can do is update Conan Exiles Today. Yeah we won Allahuekber
I am connected COMEONE FUNCOM!!! Pull it out…
June 19, 2020, 7:21am
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