Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [Argentina]
Hello, good day, for two days I have tried to enter the servers online but when I enter the list before starting to load the servers a sign appears saying "the connection has been lost. You must be connected to PlayStation Network to play online "but I don’t understand the error because I have PSNplus and internet connection. I have tried changing user, restarting the console, restarting the modem, but nothing, the same poster still appears.
Sorry my friend Playstation console players can not get online for Conan Exiles. You probably found out buy know happened right after last Sony update. Funcom and Sony are working on it. Back to my offline game.
Why? What logic is behind that? Do you think they intentionally are making their game unplayable just to personally destroy your happiness? What would they be thinking, and more importantly, what are you thinking? How tight is the tinfoil around your brain?
No i just think they dont work on weekends and dont want to admit it. As long as they tell us “were working on it” care bears like you are appeased. What the game magically come back up tuesday regular patch day. This isnt cod or fortnite Sony dont care either.
If they weren’t working, why would they be giving us updates? That’s working even if you don’t think they’re true.
Yes because I actually can trust their word and don’t think the earth is flat.
So is it funcom or is it sony? Or is it the aliens who are trying to take the earth over by taking down game servers on weekends? How deep does this conspiracy go?
Okay why does japan have the patch and we dont. Why didnt Sony of japan have issues? If funcom just tells us Sony is having issues fanboys like you wont raise any questions and will actually go make stuff up like reptoids to deflect any real criticism. why do the japanese have the patch? They could have said sony of america doesnt work on weekends and nothing is coming back up instead of letting us live on false hope.
Because they’re regionally separate entities, Sony Japan is it’s own subsidiary company that acts independent from the rest in their region.
Oh sorry, I meant the annunaki from nibiru are using the downtime to install 5g mind control beams into the servers. Your criticism is so misplaced it’s laughable, you can’t even decide on who to blame so you’re manufacturing this outlandish conspiracy that it’s all an inside job.
Proof on tuesday when sony normally puts the patches out. Sony isnt doing anything right now and funcom just lied. It’s not certification the patch has been certified (according to fucom) were waiting for distribution but apparently there is an error on sonys end an error which the japan branch never seemed to encounter because they actually work on saturday in japan.
@sestus2009 I don’t recall seeing a ps4 system update last week. Is that what you are referring to?
My PS4 is running 7.51. I checked and there are no system updates to download.
7.51 was from like May 27th according to what I can find online.
7.51 is the right version, but was only pushed to my (Aus) machine last Thursday (11th June).
Not all servers/clients were hit by the issue at the same time; points to an issue on the Sony/G-portal side of an accumulative > critical nature.
So something like a storage file that used to dump its contents no longer doing so post software update, resulting in eventual inaccessibility of that file, leading to the problem loading the server list, or a newly misconfigured network path on the other side of a load balancer. Or literally hundreds of quirks that might not have shaken out in pre-prod.