People were mentioning a ps4 update last week that might have caused this and I didn’t recall one (but there was one week earlier or whatever). Didn’t think of staggered releases.
But then it wouldn’t be the ps4 update itself causing the conflict or else I and others would have seen it earlier at end of May
DAYS of PLAY is new to both my wife and I Playstation was not there earlier in the week and we could get online to Conan-Exiles. Fired up the PS4 Thursday after work no more online game . And Days of play pops up. Coincidence don’t know. Have fun out there my friends. @Cannipals
Tuesday was my pessimism I’m still right about them not doing a thing over the weekend, suckers like you actually believed Sony was working on it cause you’re naive and then go off on about lizard men cause you’re an idiot.
You said Tuesday half a dozen times, doubled down on it, and yet stand here and call me an idiot for using hyperbole of your own argument against you. Gotcha, champ. Take the L
For EU players yes, their patch came out first that’s why there’s a few people extra frustrated, as they play in PvP servers and will be at an 8 hour disadvantage, or already picked clean from their bases.
Dude you need to calm down.
You said numerous times Tuesday and just man up and say I was wrong. No you still try to twist words to justify your own stupidity and call others idiot
Yes Sony DON’T WORK on a weekend. Like thousands of other company and schools.
It also came to NA ten minutes prior to you posting this. Maybe instead of raging and using ad hominems to mock my appearance, you actually check the game.