Cannot connect to Siptah Server

**Game mode:Online private
**Type of issue:Connection Timeout
**Server type PvE
**Region: America

I cannot connect to my server vi direct connect, or from the server list I get the connection timed out could not find server.

server name :Nomads Siptah by HostHavoc
Sever Query Info:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. I have tried from the server list
  2. I have tried from Direct Connect
  3. I have tried from the Server list under the view setting on Steam
  4. I have tried to reboot and repair teh server it shows up with 53 ping

Can you try direct connect from the in-game server list with the “game” port instead of the query port?

Is your server heavily modded?

I could not direct connect - I ended up having the provider move my server. I am thinking it may have had issues on thier end. I have a new IP now nd can direct connect and the server list.

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Glad you have it resolved.

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