Cannot log into the game?

I just managed to login.
Either the issue is fixed or repeated login attempts has a chance to get you online

I also have the same issue. Hoping it can get resolved soon.

Try now.

I would also like to know if this is resolved for just me or others as well. I donā€™t need to read people being salty about stuff in technical problem posts either. Itā€™s not helpful to the people trying to fix this to wade through a bunch of opinion.
Can we get data?

It appears to be fixed. I just got back on.

:ok_hand: :+1:

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Whatever it is, itā€™s impacting me now. Only able to play in single player as ā€œUnable to login, please restart or try again later. Continuing in Offline Mode in which only Single-player mode is available.ā€

This is not at all like the ā€œauthentication errorā€ issue as, in that case, I could get to the server list screen.

Full restart of my system send to have fixed the issue. Goes my pc had some bad data that was cashed or something.