I built the sorcery bench put in the rotten meat and stone the sorcerus spell page and the tome all ingediant reister in the bench but i cant craft the next level of the spells on server #1520 cant post an image of it cause im a new fourm user but the craft button stays grey.
Are you over encumbered?
You can’t use bench if your encumbrance is too high
really?ill try not being encumbred
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Yeah! Same thing happened to me.
Then I saw either in wiki or YouTube video or in these forums about it not working if over encumbered.
Good luck!
I hope that’s the issue and not some weird bug
It may also not be possible because you placed the wizard’s workbench too close to another placeable or wall. Happened to me the first time.
Try placing the thaumaturge workbench completely freestanding. The problem is that every time an animation starts when you learning a new spell, the character needs a lot of space.
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