Thursday 29.09.2022, 1900 UTC, forming at 1855UTC.
Join channel 9S-PvP for the event.
This week we return once more to Seoul Arena for some trios vs trios action (if we don’t get enough participants we will change this to duos). We are leaving the assault rifles on the weapon racks again, I’m sure they will make a triumphant return some day. If we get an odd number of players the more veteran players will have the smaller team.
As there is a possibility of tank and healer combos I would gently request partipants lean more into the damage dealing duties to keep the blood flowing. This is a request, not a requirement though. It’s war after all.
Rules in effect:
- No Assault Rifle in primary or secondary slot.
- Keep combat away from the platform at the respawn area where possible.
Last event we again had sucess bringing in friends external to the cabal so the same will be done this time.
Location: Seoul Arena
Seoul PvP Duos flashbacks: