I have recently decided to play in single player and I have been adjusting the settings to fit what I’m looking for. The issue I am having is when changing settings for multipliers we can’t change numbers in between the whole and the half point numbers. For example, the animal pen crafting time by default is on 1. I would like it to be faster but .5 is still too slow and .1 is too fast, I would like to be able to use about .3 but as a ps4 user I can’t but PC can. Can you make it so PS4 users can change the number however we see fit as well? Unless there is a way to do it and I’m just missing it.
As far as I know they can’t for some reason create keyboard input on PS4. So no way using the tick slider
Z tego co ja wiem tryb jednego gracza to ustalasz sobie napoczatku przed wogole wejsciem na gre potem niby masz tryb administratora ale nie mozesz w tym trybie zmienic ustawien ze np bedziesz mial w tej chwili np podwojny exp ten tryb tylko daje ci taka mozliwosc ze cos takiego jest ale tak naprawde mozesz kozystac tylko wtedy gdy wykupisz sobie wlasny serwer i bedzie stal 24h i znajomy mowil ze nawet wtedy musi zrobi restart serwera
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