This topic is ONLY about discussing and finding optimal PVP time for EVERYONE and not just for one timezone in east, as well as proposing any other changes to the current system like, maybe, increasing PVP time during weekend, whatever.
restricting the PVP/Raid window will increase PVP activity participation
- First of all, it will be FAIR towards majority of players overall. Many players currently can NOT participate in HALF PVP time what is UNFAIR and only gives advantage to players from eastern timezones. You DO NOT solve problem of many sets by “union” when your goal is to support everybody and have exactly same picture from any point of view. You use “intersection”, which means you have a common but smaller window which is good for anyone.
- Yes, it is called FOCUS. When you have focus, you have clear picture, if you don’t have it, it is blurred. You have more people joining during pvp event and focusing MORE resources in LESS time/space which brings more activity and quality. Limited resources is the core of any PVP, anything ‘limited’ makes people think and organize better (not only in games, focus is essential part for any business, for example and you should always know where is the focus)
- Nobody can fight for so long so often. People get tired, it’s natural, like you can’t spend in gym for 6h 7 days a week without a break if you are not a professional soldier or Shaolin monk. Why do you think oldshcool hardcore PVP MMOs are not really popular anymore and you have survival games with 40-70 slots, MOBAs, whatever else? Nobody is really interested living in game, grinding a lot and working harder than in a real job, also many people today have a lot of alternatives where they can do PVP and get fun much faster like in DoTa, and finally, people just don’t have so much time anymore. Currently in Conan there is just impossible to peacefully farm and prepare for another battle, prepare for that PVP time. One clan can press you all the time and you won’t be able to do anything and progress. There are enough “pvp” players and big clans who play all day and kill low lvls, raid t1, offline raid, just destroy anything in sake of destroying and not allowing many players to progress forward.
- Organization itself requires a lot of time which most of people just don’t have because all time is raid time. PVP is 90% PVE. You need to grind a lot to do proper PVP.
So yes, you will have more PVP because more players will be able to afford it and because social aspect will be focused and narrowed down to few hours and not 1/4 of the day, you also will have better quality of PVP.
and cut down on offline raiding
Everything is connected. Because more players will be able to prepare and participate in PVP, but most of all, because simply more players will be online at 8pm than 5pm, yes - offline raiding will be DECREASED.
Of course, you can not totally eliminate any problems.
And your position is that you are against offline raiding but for online PVP and raiding.
I am a hardcore PVP player with a lot of experience and what I’ve seen so far in Conan, people have no idea what PVP really is and how much time, sweat and blood you have to invest into it. Moreover I am a martial artist and know different styles from Judo till Taijiquan. I instantly can see a good fighter or a PVP player and a bad one. Smart player respects opponent because he understands that he can become better only with a good opponent and you usually thank another player/team and/or do a handshake at the end of the match. Good sparring and good PVP in game is possible only when both sides are strong and prepared, otherwise you simply can’t progress and improve your skills if you keep fighting in kindergarten. I am for FAIR play and am a hardcore and aggressive, teamplay PVP player (well, probably not anymore since I am also not interested in investing so much time in games) which means strong co-op, achieving clan goals, eliminating enemies without a single word and taking whatever you want to take either with a soft skills or with a force, so yes, of course, I am for raiding and PVP. This topic is NOT primarily about OFFLINE raiding and offline protection, I guess there were other topics for that and we can move this discussion there. If you want my personal point of view here again (which is not related to this topic), yes, I am against offline raiding because 1) you don’t get anything from that without a competition, it is very easy and boring (If you want to explode stuff, it is better and faster to do so on single-player) and 2) you only delay the development of that player/clan and whole server altogether. If instead you help people progress faster and become better at PVP, you win yourself at the end by having more PVP and better quality of PVP. Everything is connected. In any combat you always respect second side first. Without respect, well… there is no society, there is only garbage. Don’t be selfish and think about others and full picture and how one small thing affects in direct or indirect way another big thing.
I think, realistically, that the only way that you will accomplish this is through your own private server settings, am I correct?
Currently, yes, on all official servers default settings are from 5pm till 11pm server time, but it can be adjusted in server settings. However, even on official servers Funcom may have a bit different PVP times for different servers, which in my opinion is even better. You might have for example 3 different settings for EU alone and enough servers for anyone. But no matter what PVP time should be REDUCED because of anything I stated above. I am not going to talk about unofficial servers and never play on them. The only way to address any problem is on official/bigger/global level.