Changing PVP (Raid) times and days

Mevrael, you remind me of the Sicilian in Princess Bride.

The vote result may show that almost 50% want to change the time when PVP starts but you do not provide a vote option for how long it should last. You desire is to shorten PVP times to 2 hours - this is the part that I find unfair to other timezones.

  • It is NOT my ‘desire’. I just provided MY PERSONAL OPINION, I don’t have issues with current 11pm end time, however some people on eastern timezone might not be happy with this option.
  • There is a vote for end time as well, but it is BUGGED and I CAN’T EDIT it. people ALWAYS can add a comment.

this is the part that I find unfair to other timezones.

Anyway, what exactly you find ‘unfair’ towards other timezones in decreasing this time window so EVERYBODY could participate and how current situation is ‘fair’ towards other timezones?

I had to very carefully re-read your OP to see that you are saying that restricting the PVP/Raid window will increase PVP activity participation and cut down on offline raiding? And your position is that you are against offline raiding but for online PVP and raiding.

I think, realistically, that the only way that you will accomplish this is through your own private server settings, am I correct?

This topic is ONLY about discussing and finding optimal PVP time for EVERYONE and not just for one timezone in east, as well as proposing any other changes to the current system like, maybe, increasing PVP time during weekend, whatever.


restricting the PVP/Raid window will increase PVP activity participation

  1. First of all, it will be FAIR towards majority of players overall. Many players currently can NOT participate in HALF PVP time what is UNFAIR and only gives advantage to players from eastern timezones. You DO NOT solve problem of many sets by “union” when your goal is to support everybody and have exactly same picture from any point of view. You use “intersection”, which means you have a common but smaller window which is good for anyone.
  2. Yes, it is called FOCUS. When you have focus, you have clear picture, if you don’t have it, it is blurred. You have more people joining during pvp event and focusing MORE resources in LESS time/space which brings more activity and quality. Limited resources is the core of any PVP, anything ‘limited’ makes people think and organize better (not only in games, focus is essential part for any business, for example and you should always know where is the focus)
  3. Nobody can fight for so long so often. People get tired, it’s natural, like you can’t spend in gym for 6h 7 days a week without a break if you are not a professional soldier or Shaolin monk. Why do you think oldshcool hardcore PVP MMOs are not really popular anymore and you have survival games with 40-70 slots, MOBAs, whatever else? Nobody is really interested living in game, grinding a lot and working harder than in a real job, also many people today have a lot of alternatives where they can do PVP and get fun much faster like in DoTa, and finally, people just don’t have so much time anymore. Currently in Conan there is just impossible to peacefully farm and prepare for another battle, prepare for that PVP time. One clan can press you all the time and you won’t be able to do anything and progress. There are enough “pvp” players and big clans who play all day and kill low lvls, raid t1, offline raid, just destroy anything in sake of destroying and not allowing many players to progress forward.
  4. Organization itself requires a lot of time which most of people just don’t have because all time is raid time. PVP is 90% PVE. You need to grind a lot to do proper PVP.

So yes, you will have more PVP because more players will be able to afford it and because social aspect will be focused and narrowed down to few hours and not 1/4 of the day, you also will have better quality of PVP.

and cut down on offline raiding

Everything is connected. Because more players will be able to prepare and participate in PVP, but most of all, because simply more players will be online at 8pm than 5pm, yes - offline raiding will be DECREASED.

Of course, you can not totally eliminate any problems.

And your position is that you are against offline raiding but for online PVP and raiding.

I am a hardcore PVP player with a lot of experience and what I’ve seen so far in Conan, people have no idea what PVP really is and how much time, sweat and blood you have to invest into it. Moreover I am a martial artist and know different styles from Judo till Taijiquan. I instantly can see a good fighter or a PVP player and a bad one. Smart player respects opponent because he understands that he can become better only with a good opponent and you usually thank another player/team and/or do a handshake at the end of the match. Good sparring and good PVP in game is possible only when both sides are strong and prepared, otherwise you simply can’t progress and improve your skills if you keep fighting in kindergarten. I am for FAIR play and am a hardcore and aggressive, teamplay PVP player (well, probably not anymore since I am also not interested in investing so much time in games) which means strong co-op, achieving clan goals, eliminating enemies without a single word and taking whatever you want to take either with a soft skills or with a force, so yes, of course, I am for raiding and PVP. This topic is NOT primarily about OFFLINE raiding and offline protection, I guess there were other topics for that and we can move this discussion there. If you want my personal point of view here again (which is not related to this topic), yes, I am against offline raiding because 1) you don’t get anything from that without a competition, it is very easy and boring (If you want to explode stuff, it is better and faster to do so on single-player) and 2) you only delay the development of that player/clan and whole server altogether. If instead you help people progress faster and become better at PVP, you win yourself at the end by having more PVP and better quality of PVP. Everything is connected. In any combat you always respect second side first. Without respect, well… there is no society, there is only garbage. Don’t be selfish and think about others and full picture and how one small thing affects in direct or indirect way another big thing.

I think, realistically, that the only way that you will accomplish this is through your own private server settings, am I correct?

Currently, yes, on all official servers default settings are from 5pm till 11pm server time, but it can be adjusted in server settings. However, even on official servers Funcom may have a bit different PVP times for different servers, which in my opinion is even better. You might have for example 3 different settings for EU alone and enough servers for anyone. But no matter what PVP time should be REDUCED because of anything I stated above. I am not going to talk about unofficial servers and never play on them. The only way to address any problem is on official/bigger/global level.

A couple of thoughts…

First off, there are multiple types of PvP. The OP seems to be more of the mind set of an actual battle or fight, one side faces of against the other in mutual combat. The other type is the hunter/prey model where the Hunter wants to stalk and take out his prey, trying to catch them unaware and in a more vulnerable state. Both are valid forms of PvP, both do not necessarily work well together because the two sides view their enemies differently. I think this is a bigger part of the debate that is not being realized and causing some of the issues.

I also think this difference is why you see such a disparity between when peopke want PvP. The warrior group wants big fights at planned times to engage properly and have a real battle. The Hunter type wants more time to stalk and catch their prey at the most vulnerable moment.

All that said, I don’t think the only solution to the main dilemma is to limit PvP time to less. The argument seems more based on resource collection. The argumemt is that by having too much time devoted to PvP, people have less time to gather and prepare. The assumption is that the solution is to then further limit PvP time.

But what if all resources produced twice as much and weighed half as much? No change to repair or build costs. Then people could gather resources faster and be better prepated. Wouldn’t this accomplish the same goal? Those who want big battles could, while hunters would need less time preparing for the hunt. Both groups would also find it easier to make backup bases.

Cleaned thread. Please be sure to stay on topic and keep it clean and polite. There are ways to disagree with one another without picking a fight.

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It is not about how much resources do you get (and you already have enough resources when you have max lvl and top tools), it is about a simple and UNFAIR fact. Even default middle/server timezone is 5pm which is too early for most of people in same timezone. They can’t just participate in most of PVP and when you will be able to go online, you might see no base and those top tools anymore and people keep pressing you and you won’t be able to farm any resources fast, restore, rebuild so easily, it is not about any amount, it is also not about duels or “hunting”, it is not about the way you prefer to spend your time in game. It IS simply about having fair time for anyone. People who want this “hunting”, may not afford it because they have much less time for PVP and raids, but most of all they are much less protected. You also get tired of doing this every single day for so many hours and micromanagement. Some people have a chance to put their thralls into vaults before raid time starts, while others either have to log in from morning and hustle more or just lose top thralls which are already not so easy to make. I would say T4 thralls is mot annoying resource in game and people who can play more already have more advantage, they can prepare better, have more resources, more bases, more thralls, can afford bubbles longer, can activate it whenever they need and have more god tokens to wipe any big base in minutes.

First off, life is not fair. Video games, espwcially those that attempt to mirror life, will nkt be either. Also, I am not buying this dreaded scenario. Even if you have a full server, there are ample places to run and make a hidden base. And if every time you log in and your base is gone, then there is your first challenging opponent… Finding a secluded base location. And if you can’t survive that challenge, no amount of limited PvP hours will save you. There will always be people with more time than you, who better prepare, know better, and do better and they will get you. Limiting PvP hpurs won’t change that.

They will use the free non-PvP time to build a base close enough to yours that is stronger, better prepared, and containing more resources to take you out.

So the only solution then would be to limit the time people could play and no company is gping to say hey buy our game but you can only PvP fkr 2 hours and PvE for 2 hours to be fair.

And honestly, if the official hours don’t match your needs, remt a private server and adjust the setting. Or play on a PvE conflict server where you can attack players but not destroy structures.

As for this…

So you are saying people can’t play the way they want but rather the way you want? Why?


I would like to see the raid time increased. How about 3pm to midnight every weekday. Friday night raid time starts and end midnight sunday. this will weed out PVE players on PVP servers. Oh and more purges bigger and stronger to destroy more buildings everywhere.

This will allow me more hours to raid and destroy things. this is why I play Conan. If people destroy my stuff when im offline, who cares, I now have names for a new target, you know so I can PVP hence why people play on PVP servers. to fight and raid, not set dates for practice PVP. You want practice PVP build an arena and post signs with time that suit you so you can “pvp”

edit: remove insults and fix spelling

I didn’t say that and nothing can change it. You can play whatever way you want. It just doesn’t matter if you spend 1h in game or 10h, you will keep doing what you like.

WHY you keep talking only about me and ignoring majority of the market for this game and people who already voted?

2 hours of raid time? What on earth, have you ever raided a big base or a big clan before OP?

2 hours is not enough


  1. MAIN LAW IN ANY COMMUNICATION AND ARGUMENTATION - NEVER use names. BE polite. FOLLOW professional etiquette. IMAGINE you have only paper in front of you with topic to discuss; and you DON’T KNOW date when it was written and who written it.
  2. You PROVIDE PERSONAL point of view about raid time. When it should start. Why? When it should end. Why? Which days, why?
  3. You PROVIDE FACTS/PROOF TO SUPPORT your arguments. - Market numbers/trends/survey results, links, papers, screenshots, videos, etc.
  4. How changing game time according to your point of view will AFFECT game-play long-term or any other CONSEQUENCES might be?
  5. WHO exactly is affected by this change, HOW MANY are there (might be many channels/groups)?
  6. How much is enough, why?
  7. Etc.

Currently your comment is USELESS, it DOES NOT contain any information.


Yes, I had.

How much is enough then and why exactly?

When raid time should start and why?

I’m beginning to agree with you, Sol.

SOLUTION: Mev, you’ve made your point…just set up a test PVP server to prove your point. If it works, yours will be the most popular CE server ever and you can elicit a culture change.


I am not talking about a clan of mid level 30 players with steel weaponry and a big T1 boxbase, i am talking about huge T3 bases with well placed anti climbs, a lot of T3 claims around and perma godshields with a clan of atleast 5 and at most 9-10 players at 60 trying to hamper and stop everything you try to do going from repairing hurt structures, replacing structures, bombing your towers, trying to kill you and run and vault loot.

Telling me 2 hours is enough is a big fat lie as ive played and am playing with many people over 1k hours into conan including myself and everyone would say 2 hours is not enough at all. It may be enough for an offline raid only.

OP, your solution is to force everyone to have the same time as you do which is a very weak attempt to make your post look any bit compelling, even if people dont write here im pretty sure every pvp player that clicks on this thread disagrees and exits your thread, except maybe people who happen to not have as much time like you.

I can solve your problem however.
The solution to your problem is simple. You join a bigger clan, one that has the people for the hours you aint online in. The hours you got you can farm for these guys and help out within your hours.

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I, MAJORITY of the market and FACTS don’t need to set up anything and adapt to you.

YOU (plural) are the only one here stating that PVP time starting at 4pm and 5pm for MANY people is FAIR and less than 6h of raiding is not enough, yet so far nobody could provide a single evidence to support that. Every time I visit Twitch/Mixer/YouTube I see mostly RP/PVE/building videos/streams and if there is any PVP/raiding, you need to wait for long time till that moment will come and when it will come, it lasts for around 30 minutes. Maybe it simply means THERE IS NO so much HEAVY RAIDING every day you are talking about, there ARE NO ENOUGH OPPONENTS online, which means there is NO DEMAND in either heavy PVP raiding or being online at 4pm or 5pm? If Conan Exiles would have a LOT OF heavy PVP raiding every single day, especially workday so early, WE WOULD HAVE A LOT OF VIDEOS AND STREAMS, moreover we would have VERY LONG VIDEOS AND STREAMS (at least those 5-6h you are trying to defend)

  1. PVP time was DECREASED already in the past on weekends BECAUSE OF same reasons - LOW DEMAND, lasts too long and hence has very loose focus, offline raiding.
  2. Default gathering rates were changed from x1 to x2.
  3. It became easier to get top gear, craft silent legion, etc.
  4. There are NO Mayhem servers anymore BECAUSE OF NO DEMAND again.
  5. Online in Conan Exiles is more at 8pm than at 5pm. you can use Steam stats and just log in 5pm and 8pm yourself every day for at least a week and gather statistics and see results.
  6. Finally, simple fact you don’t want to understand - for PVP and raiding YOU NEED OPPONENT. Your “fun” (quality of PVP, challenges and for how long it lasts) directly depends on the amount of opponents being online, their lvl, gear and their organization and skills. Very good pro player in any game can kill many bad players alone, it is boring for him, not fun.
  7. Total online also DECREASED since launch. Where are all those “top”, “big” clans now? Nobody left to offline raid or outnumber 20 vs 2?

Can you plot all that on paper and do at least linear prediction? Where do you see game is moving? Who is the main target market and most of players paying for this game, etc?

Conan Exiles IS NOT A HARDCORE PVP MMO like Archeage, BDO, Lineage 2, whatever else. You are seeking for a lot of PVP in WRONG place, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have it in Conan. You need to SEPARATE what you WISH game to be and what game REALLY IS, it is a very common phenomenon in psychology called “wishful thinking” and is even more common in games today and as a result people only disappoint themselves.

This is NOT a massive PVP game for big clans. I understand you want a next new epic MMO fighting game, it is NOT happening at least for now and it won’t probably happen in foreseeable future because of market trends (there is NO enough demand and hence money), competition (people have MORE choice than at times of UO and they prefer to have 100% “return of fun” (ROF) from every single minute invested in games like Dota, while in MMOs ROF is very low. Grind a lot to get a bit of pvp at the end) and people just NOT willing to grind and live in games anymore. Why after all you think nobody is making such game?

If you enjoy all the Conan issues, especially performance ones and want to keep lying to yourself and believe in that lie that Conan is an epic mass PVP game, YOU are the only one how needs to create a private server with a LOT of slots and INVITE those BIG clans there. (But before you will do so, I can tell you as a software engineer, that you will have bad experience and a lot of lags). It is IMPOSSIBLE to do so in any other way. There are TOO MANY servers with TOO LITTLE slots and there is no “1st PVP server” which all those top clans should join, and even in those epic MMOs - PVP becomes boring when you don’t have a strong opponent.

Yes, I agree, you should also see a timezone in server list and not just same 17:00-23:00 everywhere.

I also have found this topic, so seems there are American servers with different settings in same region?

You feel that current time is fine. Why? Why not Mayhem, not more than 6h, not less, not earlier, not later? Shouldn’t it end at midnight? Whatever.

Also based on your experience how many raids do you encounter in average at 5pm and do you have more or less raids happening much later, let say at 9pm? Any videos or streams you know where we can see that?

How about change raid times to 5am to 9am so the no life scrubs that stay up all night playing video games have to at least adapt their schedule to be awake during normal hours so something positive has happened.

I think for the long term, a 2-4 hours raid time from monday to friday would be totally okay.
On weekends though, maybe raid time should start at 4pm and end at midnight. (or 2pm -> 10pm)

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The raid times are different in time zones. I work full time and have kids so I’m not sure why your implying that I’m a no life scrub. Is it because I would like to see more raid time available? I want more raid time available so that regardless of schedule people work they have they opportunity to play the game. raid fight gather whatever they want.

This is exactly how I see it long-term as well. You might do it later on Friday and Saturday, while Sunday still should end earlier and not at midnight.