Changing PVP (Raid) times and days

Current problem

  • Current PVP/raid time is every day from 5pm till 11pm server time. It lasts for 6 hours every day, which is 6x7=42 hours per week, which is even more than a typical 40h work week. It’s TOO MUCH, too annoying, people get tired fast and most of people just CAN’T play so much.
  • Most of people end jobs at 6pm local time and get home by 7pm. Also each region has many timezones and PVP time should suit most of them. In EU for example, there are 3 timezones and all official EU servers are on CET. Even in Central Europe raid time starts at 5pm, not 7pm and for people in Portugal and UK it is even 4pm.
  • Currently there is 0 offline raid protection, no turrets in game and Thrall archers are just totally useless and weak.
  • Game has TOO MUCH micromanagement and it takes A LOT of time to build a top base and get top thralls while you can LOSE all that in one moment only because you can’t defend your base 42h a week.

If you want to see same 6h only on weekend, vote for current time options and select Saturday and Sunday below, or select any days or all days and choose new start time and end time which you think suits MOST players in your region (not only you)

Please note that it affects only Raid/PVP time when you can raid bases and damage buildings on PVP servers. You still can kill anyone and access crafting stations and unlocked chests 24/7.

If game doesn’t give a player any security and player can loose all progress in just one moment - people will keep quitting fast, hence very high churn rate and a lot of negative comments which we have seen already.

PVP time should FAIRLY ACCOMMODATE PLAYERS IN DIFFERENT TIME ZONES because each region has FEW (3-4) timezones and FAIRLY means when MAJORITY of players across all 3-4 timezones CAN participate in all events FROM BEGINNING till END.

Taking EU example again. 3 timezones. Let say most of people can be online at 6-7pm local time. PVP time starts in Portugal and UK at 4pm which is RIDICULOUS, Germany and rest CET, 5pm which is still not good, finally EET 6pm which might be ok, but 1h later would be better. Same is from another side when raid time ends and in this case you FAIRLY ADAPT to people from most Eastern timezone which is EET which is midnight which is absolutely fine, 11pm CET and 10pm Portugal/UK, while not perfect, but good enough.

To have a FAIR TIME WINDOW you make PVP time SHORTER and NOT LONGER. You adapt start time to people in most western timezone of the region and end time to people from most eastern timezone of the same region.

Moreover, LESS always equals MORE PVP. Less resources, less top spots = more conflicts, more PVP. Less raid time = more focus, more online and raid instead of walking and running, offline raiding and doing all the boring stuff.

Sieges/raids ARE about ORGANIZATION and BEING PREPARED. You gather anything you need and deploy siege base or trebuchet or god token or whatever and as soon as raid time starts, you begin action. You DO NOT need any raid time enabled before at all.

Let say, every player no matter timezone can play for 6h. While PVP event would be only half of that time when EVERYBODY could participate, everyone could PREPARE for event in their own time. Currently it might not be possible at all because when you log in, you might have half base already gone and during all your prime time you can’t really farm and do anything. Repeat this every single day. People just pressing you and there is nothing you can do. PVP is 90% PVE, it is a lot of farming, crafting, grinding, preparing defences, siege weapons, etc.

Finally, that’s exactly why I propose PVP time from 7 or 8pm so EVERYBODY could participate FAIRLY. 3 hours is ENOUGH for siege/raiding. NOBODY is doing constant damage to buildings for 6h, you need to farm, you need to prepare and it IS enough to wipe even a huge base. If somebody wants to hide, dump anything in vaults and repair during raid, it DOES NOT MATTER is it 3h or 20h raid time, you will never achieve your goal. Nobody can fight for so long, it’s sweat and blood without a break. Can you spend in gym 6h and doing real work and not just sitting there? Moreover, can you handle it every single day and don’t get tired?

Have you ever worked in remote teams across continents? Does team conference happens somewhere between 10am and 10pm or again, time window is SMALLER and very LIMITED so everybody could participate?

Will you buy a plane ticket if it will say that it will take off maybe somehow between 10am and 10pm instead of “you must take your seat no later than 10:45am”. I think we all know the answer.


Below are 2 categories of votes:

  1. Changing PVP time
  2. Changing PVP days

Changing PVP time

PLEASE NOTE that all times below are in server time. If, for example you have -2 hours with a server and want PVP time start 6pm your local time, then you should choose 6+2=8pm option.

  • Yes, change PVP time (Vote for new start and end time below)
  • No, keep PVP time as it is right now 5pm-11pm server time
0 voters
  • PVP time should start at 5pm (Currently)
  • PVP time should start at 6pm
  • PVP time should start at 7pm
  • PVP time should start at 8pm
  • PVP time should start at 9pm
  • PVP time should start at 10pm
0 voters

THIS VOTE IS BUGGED. If you want different end time, please point it in your comment.

  • PVP time should end at 9pm
  • PVP time should end at 10pm
  • PVP time should end at 11pm (currently)
  • PVP time should end at midnight
0 voters

Changing PVP days

  • Yes, make PVP time only on specific days (Vote for options below)
  • No, keep PVP time every day as it is right now
0 voters
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
0 voters

No changes need to be made I’m, although I would prefer weekend raiding to start at 11 am like it use to. A good solid 12 hours of raiding on Saturday and Sunday.



It seems to me that the OP would like private servers or PVE conflict. At least PVE conflict you will not need to protect your base from players but can still do some PVP fighting if you want.


Because PVP is fun and should be risky

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So playing mostly alone on dead servers, offline raiding is fun for you?

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my server is not dead, and who said you have to wait for players to be online to raid. if they do not have any defenses in place that is their choice, no one waits for me to be online to raid me. Does the purge wait for you to login before attacking? nope it hits whenever just as players should on official servers.

Like I said above if you don’t like being raided in your building play PVE-conflict. All the fun of PVP with no building raids.

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who said you have to wait for players to be online to raid

What is “PVP”?

What is the point of raiding offline, what do you get from that without any competition, but most of all, what community on your server gets from that?

If they do not have any defenses in place that is their choice

What defenses are you talking about and how they will protect you offline?

Why do you think it is their choice NOT to build anything?

Does the purge wait for you to login before attacking?

Purge only progresses and works when clan members are online and playing.

if you don’t like being raided in your building

I never said this bs, also it is impossible to destroy anything in PVE. People can just block anything and nothing you can do, also every m2 is spammed with buildings.

PLEASE STOP OFFTOP, this topic is NOT about PVE.

Also anyone, where can I see this 6h long video of YOUR constant PVP and raiding?


Someone needs to go PvE for sure.

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We need this option in vote -)

Someone needs to elaborate and provide arguments for sure.

You want to play PvP, but on your terms, undermining the fact that there are other ppl playing same game on the same server from different countries with different time zones with different playstyles that might find your play times and play style unappropriate for them. That is not how it works.
You either accept how the developers make the vision of their game come true or move on to other game \ play same game on a more appropriate mode for you.
As seen so far, you want to have an advantage over the rest of the players (judging by the vote results) that would benefit your desire to be able to raid people and not be raided yourself.
Simply. No.


Where exactly in this text I can find your argument towards option you prefer?

As seen so far, you want to have an advantage over the rest of the players (judging by the vote results)

What advantage over other players are you talking about and how exactly I gain this advantage?

How exactly votes are connected to it?

Currently you only offended two users in this thread (Not to mention other users who already voted for other options and not the one YOU prefer). I have my vision, another player wants more time on weekend as it was in EA. You are also not a developer to talk on their behalf so, please, speak only for yourself.

P.S. you do not “judge” by vote results. First of all, there are no “results”, since poll only started. Second, you can only analyze results when you will have them.

Ok you should read a little better than. you do not have to be online for a purge to happen. I have been purged 4 times, 3 was while offline. PVP is fighting other players … raiding is just one mechanic of that.

You say you disagree that you don’t like being raided yet you are doing a vote to restrict exactly that. Maybe you should have a little sit down with yourself and think about what exactly you do want from the game.

This is a game of war theft and combat, do you think all attackers should email you to schedule a raid time? you attitude clearly shows to me that you need to play PVE or PVE conflict if you want to battle other players in the field. OR go to a private server and you can make your own two hour raid window and see how busy your server gets.

I have seen purge only once attacking only our base. Anyway this topic is NOT about purge/PVE and also according to Wiki:

“Purge Time” is between 6 PM and 10 PM local time, all days

You say you disagree that you don’t like being raided yet you are doing a vote to restrict exactly that. Maybe you should have a little sit down with yourself and think about what exactly you do want from the game.

Never use negation twice in a sentence. Logically what you have said is - “you agree that you like being raided”. What exactly you wanted to say? And regarding 2nd part - Maybe you should NOT offend anybody in discussion and talk ONLY within a topic WITHOUT discussing specific person(s).

Now, going back to the rest of my questions based on your own comment:

  1. What is the point of raiding offline, what do you get from that without any competition, but most of all, what community on your server gets from that?
  2. What defenses are you talking about and how they will protect you offline?
  3. Why do you think it is their choice NOT to build anything?
  4. Where can I see 6h-long video/stream of constant PVP and raiding in Conan Exiles?

Also, you seems to miss this one: “PLEASE STOP OFFTOP, this topic is NOT about PVE”. It means, you STOP talking about PVE and trying to offer something irrelevant and change the direction of the discussion, and instead you talk ONLY within the topic, otherwise it is called “offtop” and is absolutely useless because it is not adding any value to the topic being discussed, moreover, it only steals time from other people who would spend it on reading it.

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Am I missing something too? Because it really does sound like PVE-Conflict is for you, Mevrael. I play on PVE-C and we have PVP during prime time, but your place cannot get raided and there isn’t any griefing that I know of.

Oh, and sorry to have to correct you, but purges very much happen when players are offline.

You must realize that the large scope of PVP time is to fairly accommodate players in different time zones and situations.

With all due respect, your posts sound rather self entitled.

Did i offend you? Oh, no…how bad of me.
I’m so not sorry if you misinterpret my words for something your self-conscience would like to see in their place.

What is the point of raiding offline, what do you get from that without any competition, but most of all, what community on your server gets from that?

Fun and loot. Life is not fair. PvP games aren’t either cuz actual living people play them. Offline raiding means easy to obtain loot, think it is pretty obvious.

What defenses are you talking about and how they will protect you offline?

Thralls. Don’t worry they’ll get fixed. Building smart (yeah i get that this concept can be hard to comprehend but it is a thing regardless) combined with god bubbles.

Also THIS. Hillarious.


Maybe you should NOT offend anybody in discussion and talk ONLY within a topic WITHOUT discussing specific person(s).

STOP trying to offer something irrelevant and change the direction of the discussion, and instead you talk ONLY within the topic, otherwise it is called “offtop” and is absolutely useless because it is not adding any value to the topic being discussed, moreover, it only steals time from other people who would spend it on reading it.

Never use negation twice in a sentence. Logically what you have said is - “you agree that you like being raided”. What exactly you wanted to say?

Pure gold.

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oh no the punctuation police have spoken.

  1. Because I want to and Im a theif
  2. thralls, traps, palisades, creative building. You know you should put some thought into it, check you tube
  3. that is a stupid question
  4. check you tube there is lots of raids and videos, guess what I play pvp only and I don’t get robbed or my stuff wrecked because I use my head a little.

You are trying to turn a pvp game into pve when there is already lots of options that will suit your needs, you just don’t want to hear any of it because you are a sensitive snowflake that may melt.

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So you can just build a building much faster on singleplayer and explode it in many ways you want. It’s called PVE which stands for Player VS Environment if it doesn’t contain ‘opponent’ which is a real player.

  1. Most of all, what community on your server gets from that? It means what OTHER people, especially the one you offline PVE “raided” get from that and how it contributes to your server’s social prosperity and development so you yourself would have more fun and pvp because you would have more stronger players and not less?
  2. What thralls are you talking about and how do they defend? Since EA I could kill them all solo, especially useless archers. What traps are you talking about? Useless mines I never seen in practice because enemies can see them from 5 miles away ? What is “creative building”, is it hiding in ruins, caves and under water?

You have said:

if they do not have any defenses in place that is their choice

  1. Why do you think it is their choice? Anything requires investment, first of all time investment and time is very limited resource. And why do you call it a stupid question?

you tube there is lots of raids and videos

  1. First of all, it’s called “YouTube”. Second, send at least one link to just one of those “lots of raids” (especially the one which has this raiding itself for at least 5-6h without any farm or preparation included)


but your place CAN NOT get raided

CAN NOT is main part. You can not not just raid and defend your own fortification, you can’t do anything with spam and blocking on PVE server and because of more buildings it only lags more, and if I want to take specific spot, or somebody put a small house next to mine castle in progress, I can’t destroy it.

Also you CAN’T kill anybody chasing and people can just run into their house which you can’t blow up, or people can BLOCK you inside and you won’t be able to GET OUT.

Finally, people on PVE are usually softer and have worse PVP skills, that’s the first reason why they play PVE, not PVP.

You must realize that the large scope of PVP time is to fairly accommodate players in different time zones and situations.

This IS exactly the main point of this topic. PVP time should FAIRLY ACCOMMODATE PLAYERS IN DIFFERENT TIME ZONES because each region has FEW (3-4) timezones and FAIRLY means when MAJORITY of players across all 3-4 timezones CAN participate in all events FROM BEGINNING till END.

Taking EU example again. 3 timezones. Let say most of people can be online at 6-7pm local time. PVP time starts in Portugal and UK at 4pm which is RIDICULOUS, Germany and rest CET, 5pm which is still not good, finally EET 6pm which might be ok, but 1h later would be better. Same is from another side when raid time ends and in this case you FAIRLY ADAPT to people from most Eastern timezone which is EET which is midnight which is absolutely fine, 11pm CET and 10pm Portugal/UK, while not perfect, but good enough.

To have a FAIR TIME WINDOW you make PVP time SHORTER and NOT LONGER. You adapt start time to people in most western timezone of the region and end time to people from most eastern timezone of the same region.

Moreover, LESS always equals MORE PVP. Less resources, less top spots = more conflicts, more PVP. Less raid time = more focus, more online and raid instead of walking and running, offline raiding and doing all the boring stuff.

Sieges/raids ARE about ORGANIZATION and BEING PREPARED. You gather anything you need and deploy siege base or trebuchet or god token or whatever and as soon as raid time starts, you begin action. You DO NOT need any raid time enabled before at all.

Let say, every player no matter timezone can play for 6h. While PVP event would be only half of that time when EVERYBODY could participate, everyone could PREPARE for event in their own time. Currently it might not be possible at all because when you log in, you might have half base already gone and during all your prime time you can’t really farm and do anything. Repeat this every single day. People just pressing you and there is nothing you can do. PVP is 90% PVE, it is a lot of farming, crafting, grinding, preparing defences, siege weapons, etc.

Finally, that’s exactly why I propose PVP time from 7 or 8pm so EVERYBODY could participate FAIRLY. 3 hours is ENOUGH for siege/raiding. NOBODY is doing constant damage to buildings for 6h, you need to farm, you need to prepare and it IS enough to wipe even a huge base. If somebody wants to hide, dump anything in vaults and repair during raid, it DOES NOT MATTER is it 3h or 20h raid time, you will never achieve your goal. Nobody can fight for so long, it’s sweat and blood without a break. Can you spend in gym 6h and doing real work and not just sitting there? Moreover, can you handle it every single day and don’t get tired?

Have you ever worked in remote teams across continents? Does team conference happens somewhere between 10am and 10pm or again, time window is SMALLER and very LIMITED so everybody could participate?

Will you buy a plane ticket if it will say that it will take off maybe somehow between 10am and 10pm instead of “you must take your seat no later than 10:45am”. I think we all know the answer.

I can imagine you are very disappointed by the vote results, I can see it in your replies Mr op. It is very difficult to bend others to your desires, specially when your desires are so bizzare.

As consultation, I suggest you push for a mobile app that will give you immediate notification when any of your holdings are attacked, then you can bail on your dinner date and get to a computer to defend. World does not revolve around you, if you cannot deal with the PvP serer setup I suggest PvE conflict or find a private server that meets your desires.

Frankly I think there should be raiding 5pm to midnight on week nights and 10am to midnight on weekends.