I’d like to ask PVP players only (sorry PVE players) how much raid time is too much or not enough?
Factors that I think create the biggest separation between PVP players.
This topic try to find a solution for official servers nor private!!
Time spent in game (this is one of the biggest one I believe, Conan is the kind of game if you have more time=more advantage over players, and that has nothing to do with ‘‘playing more so I gain more experience’’ I’m talking about offline raiding, or the fact that in a past we had a clan we were fighting against for 5 days straight, they were on for 10h each day. We couldn’t do that, we have jobs, family etc (yes I’m the older generation)
Number of players- now this one is also a cause arguments. Obviously more players means more resources that is straight forward. Solo or little clans feel that is unfair. I’m not sure if I agree with that. But I really like to hear some opinions on this
3.Raid time- now this one always turns into a heated conversation hopefully in this tread we can keep it civil. Solo players asking for more time, some even 24/7 so they can do guerilla warfare. Bigger clans or ‘‘busy’’ people asking for less. I think a combination of both will be a solution. Maybe solo players granted a token once every week that allows them to raid 24h straight. Another good idea was mentioned that make servers 24/7 and if you log out you still can be raided for 60min, this will prevent players to ‘‘log off’’ if they getting raided, but won’t allowing offline raiding. Also reducing raid time from 6h to 3h during week days and increase weekend time from 6 to 9. Personally I prefer this one.
I think what we have right now is a good balance. You know when raid time is on your server; if you can’t be online during those hours then perhaps its best to not play on those pvp servers.
I’d be down for pvp official servers that only have raid hours on weekends, that could be interesting.
On official servers there is a set time, no one can change it. Saying not to play on those servers is a bit silly. Players who don’t want to play on private servers have no choice. I understand its a choice but saying ‘‘not play on those servers’’ isn’t a good solution. Also saying ‘‘don’t play PVP than’’ isn’t an answer, and I’m sure some will say this.
However, I do like your idea of maybe separate PVP servers that has only 24/7 weekend raid time on it.
A friend of mine and I were talking about this a long while back. We came up with the “hardcore” servers where those who wish to have that freedom in raiding can do so on those servers.
What this doesn’t solve is the number of players that would be attracted to a 24hr raid time. Like you said, a lot of players, like many of us, have families, jobs that they need to tend to. 24hr raid servers are a lot less attractive to us. However, would be a fun change of pace to have another server to bounce to when things are in a lull on the regular raid hour official servers.
Lessening the raid hours on weekdays is also a feasible solution but sadly, not one that would make people happy overall and I dont believe would pass with the devs. People with that time on hand can build great bases that would take thousands of bombs to get through… shortened raid hours during the week just allows more time for larger tribes to keep repairing so the little guy has to start over.
This game is definitely driven by the kind of grind you (and your tribe) can put in.
Firstly this is not Rust or Ark, I think players should just stop comparing Conan to those. I’m kind of tired of it, sorry.
24/7 raid with no protection, build better or be there to defend!!
While your statement has valid point, you need to consider peoples needs and availability to the game, this statement appears as ignorant. You can’t expect people to be on any game 24/7. Not realistic, you need to look at this from the company prospective, you need to keep people playing. How many players they will loose because they getting sick of waxed? I bet it will be more than who stays.
24/7 raid, ye sure if players would have better defense system than a thrall who stands there getting arrowed to the ground. Or animals who getting gas arrow in the face with no protection at all. Don’t you agree?
The problem in this game, peoples play on PVP servers like on PVE and do not want to be raided.
This is probably true in many cases, you right, however there is nothing we can do about it to eliminate this, I would say issue, with the current system as it is.
This works…for some people, Which leaves new clans out, or just new players… and considering “offline raiding” is generally the main reason raids even happen…
It would just make it worse.
The small window we have isnt to bad, Give or take your server… I’m central time zone, it falls in decent time frame for me.
Well…ya… cause It always happens when I’m not home. I wanna have raid like Videos showed for CE trebs going off, peopel fighting along walls like it For Honor. . Not abunch of people bombing like Urukais from LOTR Two Towers…
Thats just me, Same as Ark… No one wants to PVP, they just wanna bring someone base down, take there stuff and claim there best on server with out PVP part. -_-’
Like i said in another topic, there needs to be a reward-de-reward system for raiding/pvp.
Attack a empty base? all chest will be listed as empty, and you get squat for being a little *****.
Base has several players? Kills on both sides, the Chest will show the loot they have.
Toss in point system, that rewards players for being active during raid time. So even if you dont fully take a place, you’ll get something.
I’m not sure if I follow you on this. What do you mean empty chest? How would you monitor this or what kind of system will support your idea? Could you explain it a bit better? I’d like to hear about it more, sounds interesting.
In my experience servers allowing offline raid (all officials) have one thing in common, it’s less player vs player and more player vs base. Alpha clans use their dominance to build up not only one base but 20+ and keep full starter kits in body vaults and hide half their stuff under mesh or behind the green wall. The normal raid hour is barely enough to take out one apex base if it isn’t defended, so it does not matter if the clan does take a day or two off.
Personally I do enjoy the player vs player aspect much more than farming base and bombs and then trade blows against other clans while they are offline just to get one of our bases leveled while we are not playing. This is why I would rather play on private servers with shorter raid windows of 2-3 hours where clans are limited to a solo base and gain admin re-imburst after total wipe.
A viable solution could be that Funcom offers official servers with different settings, like only weekend raid, some with 3 hours, others with 6 hours and so on. At the very least it is a suggestion that has no real downside and would be simple to implement.
Yes, in 2017 before it was released officially raid was 24/7
we even had something called blitz servers that wiped every 30 days.
But I didn’t play on a blitz server, I didn’t like the constant starting over.
I played mostly on testlive us2 before the combat up date replaced all the test servers
And on official pvp, I also tried a few private servers when I wasn’t playing test live.
Raid time in official is a joke
Curently with no offline raid protection if you are offline 1-2 day you will be wiped in the long term its just lost of time
its ony for big clans and nolifers who live in the game and do nothing but play 10-15 hours/day neither work nor study.
And blitz servers with 24/7 raid time was always empty therefore they were removed.