Chaosmouth isn’t making the Keystone

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: None
Mods: None

Bug Description:

When I put the items into the Chaosmouth altar, the items simply disappeared leaving the altar empty without creating the keystone.

Bug Reproduction:

Put the required items into the Chaosmouth altar

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So as I can see, according to this topic created in September of 2024, this issue is still exists and it seems not on the top of Funcom’s priorities. Is it known regular issue or it happens occasionally? Cuz it is NOT funny to spend hours obtaining the stuffs and then just watch it disappear. I’m not damn looking forward to obtaining the stuffs again. Players can’t finish the game for almost 5 months and nobody cares? Really can’t believe it.

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Think it’s been longer then that.

If it’s your server just get the items from admin inventory. If not ask your server admin for them if possible.

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nah, that’s not my server, but I don’t actually need those items if I can’t use them. If Funcom will ever fix this bug I’ll consider whether to ask admin or do another round, hopefully the last one, to get quest items once again.

Admin should be able to spawn the keystone itself. No need for the other pieces or to combine them.

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